Alan J. Stenger

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Emeritus Instructor in Smeal College of Business

Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 454 BUSINESS BUILDING
Phone Number 814-865-3923
Email Address

Since joining the Penn State faculty in 1972, Dr. Stenger has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in supply chain management, logistics systems management, logistics research methods, carrier management, transportation economics and quantitative methods in logistics. He was Graduate Advisor for the Department of Business Logistics for 16 years, and is currently Associate Director of the Center for Supply Chain Research.Dr. Stenger has engaged in a wide range of educational and consulting activities both in the United States and abroad. This includes work with companies in the industries such as the chemical, pharmaceutical, consumer packaged goods, glass, information technology, and railroad.


Dr. Stenger's research interests focus primarily on the organization and management of supply chain and logistical activities in manufacturing and merchandising firms, with particular emphasis on the use of decision support and information technology as enablers

Courses Taught

SCM 850 – Sc Desn and Strat (4)
Design and management of supply chain networks, emphasizing the alignment of supply chain networks with corporate competitive strategy. SCM 850 Supply Chain Design and Strategy (4) The focus of this course is the strategic design of supply chain networks. Supply chain design decisions have extraordinary impact on the cost and service value attributes of a product or service over its lifetime. The influence of supply chain design on a firm's profitability and competitive positioning is one reason why competition today extends beyond firm versus firm to supply chain versus supply chain. Supply chain design decisions are among the most financially influential and long lasting business decisions and yet, supply chain designs should not be static. Ever increasing customer requirements, expanding product lines and customer segments, decreasing product life cycles, and competitive pressures enabled by a growing range of flexible supply chain design constantly force supply chain executives to evaluate and modify their current supply chain networks and the role of the supply chain in their firm's overall strategy.This course provides an examination of (1) the role of supply chain network design within the context of the firm's competitive strategy, (2) alternative supply chain designs and the factors that influence network design decisions, (3) a framework for the network design process, and (4) the principal models and techniques used for the design of supply chain networks.After completing this course, students should have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to:1. Explain the importance of achieving strategic fit between a firm's competitive strategy and the design of the firm's supply chain network. 2. Describe the basic decision making framework for achieving strategic fit. 3. Identify the key questions in network design for supply chains 4. Identify the principal supply chain network design alternatives 5. Enumerate the principal factors influencing choices among alternative supply chain designs 6. Present a framework for the supply chain network design process 7. Examine the principal models and techniques used for making network design decisions 8. Consider the influence of demand and supply uncertainties on network design choicesEvaluation of students is based on individual and team case study submissions, a culminating simulation exercise, on-line discussion postings, and peer reviews.This course is prescribed for the on-line Master of Professional Studies in Supply Chain Management (MPS/SCM) and its taken in the second year of study, building on the supply chain knowledge, skills and abilities developed in previous foundation courses.

SCM 810 – Trans and Dist (4)
Role of transportation and distribution operations in matching supply with demand; principles of transport industry analysis and competitive positioning. SCM 810 Transportation and Distribution (4) The course is set against a background of microeconomic theory and in a framework of supply chain management. Course design is directed toward graduate students with relatively little or no previous academic work in transport management and economics. Subject coverage includes both conceptual and applied material, such as the principles of industry analysis and competitive positioning; theory and practice of transport demand, costing, pricing, and revenue and demand management in distribution settings.After completing this course, students should have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to:a. Perform an industry analysis and assess a firm's competitive positioning in its industry b. Explain the principal categories of cost in a transport/distribution operation and how those cost categories behave with changes in the level of activity c. Perform a basic activity-based costing analysis for a transport/distribution operation d. Articulate the principal characteristics of transport demand e. Understand the measure of price elasticity of demand and to use this measure to quantify the revenue impact of price changes f. Articulate principal distribution strategies g. Calculate a cost-based price and a differential price h. Explain the principles and primary applications of revenue and demand managementThe evaluation of students is based on small team case study submissions, individual short paper and problem assignments, on-line discussion postings, and peer reviews.This course is a prescribed course for the on-line Master of Professional Studies in Supply Chain Management (MPS/SCM). THe course is the second course in the first year of study, building on foundation knowledge developed in the first course but with a focus on the deliver portion of the supply chain.

SCM 597F – Demand Planning (2)
Special Topics (1-9) Formal courses given on a topical or special interest subject which may be offered infrequently; several different topics may be taught in one year or semester.

SCM 450 (3)
Strategic design and management of supply chains.

Selected Publication

Tyworth J. E., Rao K., Stenger A. J., "A Logistics Cost Model for Purchasing Transportation to Replenish High Demand Items." Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, vol. 32, no. 1, 1991

Honors and Awards