Celeste G. Newcomb
Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Education
Office Address 203L Business Building
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Celeste G. Newcomb

Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Education
Office Address 203L Business Building
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Email Address
Celeste Newcomb is an academic advisor and also works as an adjunct instructor in the Department of Management and Organization in the Smeal College of Business. She has taught Managing and Leading People in Organizations MBADM 816, Business Ethics and Society MGMT 451W, Organizational Behavior MGMT 326, Leadership and Change MGMT 355, Business Administration BA 304, Basic Management Concepts MGMT 301, International Management MGMT 461, and First-Year Seminar in Business Administration PSU 006. Her Penn State community service includes serving on the committee for Global and International Studies, which she has served on since 2017. In the 2018-2019 academic year, she served as a judge for the Undergraduate Exposition for Research and as a reviewer for the incoming class of the Sapphire Leadership Program in the Smeal College of Business. In 2020, she traveled with and coached Penn State students competing in a nationwide case competition. In 2021-2022, she served as a reviewer of applications for Schreyer Honors College.
MBA, Business (International Business, Health Care), The Johns Hopkins University, 2000
BA, History, 1992
Courses Taught
MBADM 816 – Manage Lead in Org (3)
Overview of human behavior in organizations, and implications for managing and leading individuals, teams, and organizations.This course provides an overview of the theories, concepts, applications, and research findings of human behavior in formal organizations and their implications for individual, team, and organizational performance. This study of organizational behavior and performance will take place at three levels of analysis: (1) The Individual in the Organization, including topics such as personality, attitudes, perception, and motivation; (2) Groups in Organizations, including group and team dynamics, influence and political behavior, negotiation, and managing conflict, and; (3) Organizational Processes, such as work design, behavior modification, communication, and decision making.
PSU 006 – Bus 1st-Yr Smr (1)
Facilitate student's adjustment to the high expectations, demanding workload, increased academic liberties, and other aspects of the transition to college life. PSU 006 First Year Seminar in Business Administration (1-3 credits) This course is designed to assist students in examining several areas of the college transition: awareness of self and others; career exploration; majors offered in the Smeal College; and current issues in business. The skills learned in this course will be presented as life-long skills, applicable in the university setting and the corporate environment. The nature of the course requires cooperation, participation, and interaction. This course facilitates learning through experience, lectures and class discussion.The course contains assignments dealing with: 1). Leadership 2). Ethics 3). Celebrating Diversity 4). Diversity in the Workplace 5). Community Service 6). Major and Career Exploration 7). Time Management and Goal Setting 8). Business Case Study
MGMT 451W – Bus Eth and Soc (3)
Advanced examination of social, ethical, legal, economic, equity, environmental, public policy, and political influences on managerial DECISIONS AND STRATEGIES. MGMT 451W Business, Ethics, and Society (3) Focuses on the knowledge, skills, and perspectives that a manager must have in order to deal with the social, legal, ethical, and political demands in society. Ecological, ethical, and public policy dimensions of various managerial decisions are examined.
MGMT 461 – Intnl Mgmt (3)
Examines issues of nations and cultures including motivation, communication, negotiation, leadership, ethics and social responsibility, and women in management.
BA 304 – MGMT & ORG (3)
BA 304 is an overview of a body of knowledge that exists concerning the management of modern organizations. Management is critical to business success no matter the industry, the field or the arena. Eight key functions for any manager will be covered - organizational structure, operations, staffing, recruitment, leadership, culture and ethics, planning, and innovative and responsible practices.A key take away for BA 304 is the difference between leadership and management and what do these terms mean. In recent years the focus has been on leadership as the preferred ability to strive for with management skills losing favor. In general, it has been said that leaders focus on "doing the right things" and managers focus on "doing things right". This will be a theme for review and discussion throughout the course as each subject area is covered.A student may not receive credit towards graduation for both B A 304 and MGMT 100 or MGMT 100W. Furthermore, a student may not receive credit towards graduation for both B A 304 and MGMT 301 or MGMT 301W.
HPA 496 – Indep Studies (3)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
MGMT 301 – Basic Mgmt Concept (3)
MGMT 301 exposes undergraduate students to the fundamental principles and basic concepts of management, with emphasis on organizational design, management processes, leadership, motivation, and managing teams and individuals in a global business environment. Understanding these principles and concepts is extremely important for students preparing for and entering the business profession. Managers plan, organize, lead, and control. These functions provide a foundation for MGMT 301 and are included in all course topics and modules. Typical modules include: An Overview of Management; Strategy and Structure; Organizational Behavior; and Group/Organizational Dynamics.The overview of management focuses on the manager's role and function, decision making, ethics, and managerial oversight. Topics covered in a strategy and structure module will include culture, environmental influences, strategy, organizational structure, globalization, and innovation. Organizational Behavior focuses on how decision making is influenced by various stakeholders who have formal and informal authority and control in a business. What motivates individuals and who are leaders in an organization is discussed along with group dynamics. Understanding team processes, conflict, adaptation to change, and various levels of group and one-on-one communication is important and will be covered by reviewing traditional management strategies and structures along with discussions on current and evolving management issues.Students may earn credit towards graduation for only one of the following; BA 304, MGMT 301, MGMT 301H, or MGMT 301W.
NURS 499 – Nurs Foreign Stdy (Variable)
Study of nursing issues in a foreign country.
MGMT 326 – Org Beh and Design (3)
Concepts, theories, and methods of managing people and designing organizations. MGMT 326 Organizational Behavior and Design (3) This introductory course covers the concepts, theories, and methods of managing people and designing organizations. Issues and challenges of managing at different organizational levels (individual, group, project, and total organization) are discussed and illustrated with real-world examples. Students learn about the latest means of designing high-performing organizations, including how to change an organization. This course will serve as a foundation for taking advanced management courses. The primary method of evaluation is an examination after each of the four major parts of the course, but class participation and short papers may also be used for evaluation.
MGMT 355 – Lead and Chg in Org (3)
This course focuses on concerns with understanding yourself as a leader in organizations-especially organizations undergoing change.
NURS 496 – Indep Studies (3)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
NURS 497 – Special Topics (Variable)
Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject which may be topical or of special interest.
MGMT 451 – Bus Eth and Soc (3)
Advanced examination of social, ethical, legal, economic, equity, environmental, public policy, and political influences on managerial DECISIONS AND STRATEGIES. MGMT 451W Business, Ethics, and Society (3) Focuses on the knowledge, skills, and perspectives that a manager must have in order to deal with the social, legal, ethical, and political demands in society. Ecological, ethical, and public policy dimensions of various managerial decisions are examined.
HPA 499 – Foreign Study (3)
Study of health care systems and practices in selected foreign countries.
H P A 499 – Foreign Study (3)
Study of health care systems and practices in selected foreign countries.
H P A 401 – Comparative Health Systems (3)
Comparative analysis of health services in selected developed and developing countries.
H P A 496 – Independent Studies (3)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
H P A 301W – Health Services Policy Issues (3)
Analysis of major issues in health services delivery in hospitals, medical practice, public health, mental health, and health professional education.
H P A 057 – Consumer Choices in Health Care (3)
Introduction to consumers' role in health-care decisions, including health benefits, physician and hospital choice, and end-of-life choices.