Christopher J. Solo

Color portrait of Christopher J. Solo

Associate Clinical Professor of Supply Chain Management and Faculty Director of Sapphire Leadership Academic Program, Program Director

Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 478 Business Building
Phone Number 814-867-2261
Email Address

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Dr. Solo teaches a variety of courses in Supply Chain Management and Management Information Systems at Penn State. Prior to joining the Smeal faculty, Dr. Solo served over 21 years on active duty in the U.S. Air Force, where he held leadership positions in the intelligence, acquisition program management, and operations research analyst career fields. During this time, Dr. Solo also served on the faculty at the U.S. Air Force Academy, where he taught undergraduate courses covering probability and statistics, optimization, decision analysis, queueing theory, and simulation. Dr. Solo retired from the Air Force in the rank of lieutenant colonel and is a member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).


Ph D, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, The Pennsylvania State University, 2009

MS, Operations Research (Operational Modeling; Probabilistic Operations Research), United States Air Force Institute of Technology, 2004

BS, Mathematics (General Option), The Pennsylvania State University, 1994

Courses Taught

BA 595 – Internship (1)
Supervised off-campus, nongroup instruction, including field experiences, practicums, or internships. Written and oral critique of activity required.

BA 297 – Special Topics (1)
Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject which may be topical or of special interest.

SCM 301H focuses on supply chain management concepts, principles, and methodologies for effective and efficient management of product and service operations across supply chain networks. The course explores the framework for supply chain management, the key issues and challenges, the key cost and service elements, the basic analytical tools, and the strategic role of information technology. Major themes embedded in this course include: principles and framework of supply chain management such as processes, drivers, and common decisions; the complexities of matching supply and demand in an uncertain business environment; performance metrics in determining a corporation's top and bottom lines; and the globalization of supply chains and the integration of these chains throughout all business disciplines.

SCM 496 – Indep Studies (Variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, that are supervised on an individual basis and that fall outside the scope of formal courses.

BAN 830 – Descriptive Analytics for Bus (3)
BAN 830 explores the use of descriptive analytics concepts, tools, and techniques throughout a wide range of business scenarios and problems. Initially focusing on the application of traditional descriptive analytics techniques to answer the question, "What happened?," the course provides opportunities for students to perform spreadsheet- and programming-based data acquisition, cleaning, manipulation, and visualization using data derived from various business contexts to inform business leaders' decisions. Later, students progress to applying advanced statistical techniques and concepts including descriptive measures, sampling and estimation, and inference in both spreadsheet and programming environments. The course concludes with a bridge to predictive analytics as students apply linear and multiple linear regression to business-related data in search of relationships among input and output variables. Software packages, concepts, and business applications will vary and evolve to keep pace with technology, theory, and instructor interests.

SCM 301 – Sup Chn Mgt (3)
Management of logistics/supply chain processes. Not available to baccalaureate business students in Smeal. Not available to baccalaureate business students in Smeal.

BAN 530 – Data Anlycs Strat (3)
BAN 830 explores the use of descriptive analytics concepts, tools, and techniques throughout a wide range of business scenarios and problems. Initially focusing on the application of traditional descriptive analytics techniques to answer the question, "What happened?," the course provides opportunities for students to perform spreadsheet- and programming-based data acquisition, cleaning, manipulation, and visualization using data derived from various business contexts to inform business leaders' decisions. Later, students progress to applying advanced statistical techniques and concepts including descriptive measures, sampling and estimation, and inference in both spreadsheet and programming environments. The course concludes with a bridge to predictive analytics as students apply linear and multiple linear regression to business-related data in search of relationships among input and output variables. Software packages, concepts, and business applications will vary and evolve to keep pace with technology, theory, and instructor interests.

SCM 421 – Sc Analytics (3)
Models and Methodologies for supply chain analysis. SCM 421 Supply Chain Analytics (3) This course provides a spreadsheet-based, example-driven approach to learn about important supply chain models, problems, and solution methodologies. The objectives of this course are: (1) to develop valuable modeling skills that students can appreciate and use effectively in their careers (2) reinforce and enrich your understanding of supply chain theories, principles, and concepts studied previously in foundation courses. Student evaluation is based on: (1) individual and team group performance on problem-based exercises (2) individual performance on examinations (3) class participation.

MIS 204 – Intro Bus Inf Sys (3)
Introduction to the use of information systems in business organizations. MIS 204 Introduction to Business Information Systems (3) Introduction to Business Information Systems is an applications-oriented course that provides an overview of (1) the role of information systems in business process design, (2) the current technologies used for obtaining, storing, and communicating information in support of operations and decision-making within a business organization, and (3) the concepts and principles for programming, developing, and using popular spreadsheet and database tools. Applications focus on important problems and issues found in business disciplines, including accounting, finance, marketing, supply chain operations, and general management.The evaluation of students will be based on tests, programming projects, and hands-on exercises. This course is a prescribed course for Smeal Business students. M I S 204 will be offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters, and enrollment per annum of approximately 1, 200 students.

Selected Publications

Solo C. J., "A Two-Phased Approach to Multi-Objective Supply Chain Design and Operation." (CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group), 2016, pp. 85-130
Kharoufeh J. P., Solo C. J., Ulukus M. Y., "Semi-Markov models for degradation-based reliability." IIE Transactions, vol. 42, no. 8, 2010, pp. 599-612

Honors and Awards