Cassandra Ghinos

Color portrait of Cassandra Ghinos

Assistant Teaching Professor of International Business

Department Risk Management
Office Address 326B Business Building
Phone Number 814-863-3229
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As an instructor of international business, my overarching goal is to bring the complexities of global business into the classroom. I work to equip students with the knowledge and skill sets needed to be effective global leaders in their respective fields and make global thinking a part of everyday life.

Prior to joining Penn State, I worked in global business for 30+ years with a focus on developing high performing global distributor networks across diverse industries and cultures.


MA, Global Marketing/Finance, Thunderbird School of Global Management, 1986

Courses Taught

IB 303 – Intnatl Bus Oper (3)
A survey of the major aspects of international business environment and operations with an emphasis on the cultural dimension. I B 303 International Business Operations (3) (IL) International business is important and necessary because economic isolationism has become impossible. Failure to become a part of the global market assures a nation of declining economic influence and deteriorating standards of living for its citizens. International business therefore presents more opportunities for expansion, growth, and income than does domestic business alone. This course will cover the major aspects of international business environment and operations with emphasis on its impact on the local businesses in your state. In other words, in this course you will learn why international business differs from domestic business, economic theories on international trade, and how managers deal with the uncontrollable forces such as cultural differences of international environment. In this course you will develop a global perspective through studying the impact of other countries and their peoples on society and develop skills that will enable you to interact effectively in an interdependent global community.

Honors and Awards

Nominee - Fred Brand Teaching Excellence Award, Smeal College of Business, (May 31, 2022)

Nominee - Fred Brand Teaching Excellence Award, Smeal College of Business, (May 31, 2021)

Faculty Marshal, (Aug 31, 2018)