Delina Emilova Agnosteva

Color portrait of Delina Emilova Agnosteva

Assistant Teaching Professor

Department Finance
Office Address 371B Business Building
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International Cartels, International Trade, Gravity Model of Trade


Ph D, Economics, Drexel University, 2017

BA, Economics, International Business, Mathematics, Ramapo College of New Jersey, 2011

Courses Taught

FIN 305 – Financial Mgmt Bus (3)
Development of advanced practices of financial management and their application to decision making in a business firm.

FIN 405 – Adv Financial Mgmt (3)
An examination of the development and application of decision rules for major long-term financial and investment problems of the firm.

FIN 305W – Financial Mgmt Bus (3)
Development of advanced practices of financial management and their application to decision making in a business firm.

ECON 102 – Microeconomic Analysis (3)
Methods of economic analysis and their use; price determination; theory of the firm and distribution. ECON 102 Introductory Microeconomic Analysis and Policy (3)(GS)(BA) This course meets the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements. Economics is the study of how people satisfy their wants in the face of limited resources. One way to think about economics is that it is a consistent set of methods and tools that is valuable in analyzing certain types of problems related to decision--making, resource allocation, and the production and distribution of goods and services. There are two main branches of economics, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. Macroeconomics is concerned with economy--wide factors such as inflation, unemployment, and overall economic growth. Microeconomics deals with the behavior of individual households and firms and how government influences that behavior; it is the subject of this course. More specifically, ECON 102 is an introduction to microeconomic analysis and policy. The principal objective of the course is to enable students to analyze major microeconomic issues clearly and critically. Students will be introduced to the methods and tools of economic analysis, and these analytical tools will be applied to questions of current policy interest. Learning these methods and tools and applying them to interesting policy questions and issues is sometimes called "thinking like an economist." An important goal of this course is to take each student as far down the road of "thinking like an economist" as possible. A variety of mechanisms are used to assess student performance. These evaluation methods typically include exams, quizzes, homework assignments, and group projects. ECON 102 is an introductory course in economics and as such, serves as a prerequisite for several microeconomics--oriented 300--level courses. It is also a required course for all majors and minors in economics, and meets requirements for a General Education (GS) or Bachelor of Arts social science course. Students who have completed ECON 302 may not enroll in this course.

ECON 296 – Indep Studies (1.5)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

ECON 306 – Intro Econometrics (3)
The implementation of statistical techniques to analyze data and address economic questions. Econometric results are produced and assessed.

ECON 397 – Special Topics (Variable)
Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in-depth, a comparatively narrow subject which may be topical or of special interest.

ECON 495 – Internship (1)
Supervised off-campus, nongroup instruction including field experiences, practica, or internships. Written and oral critique of activity required.

ECON 302 – Intmd Microec Analysis (3)
Allocation of resources and distribution of income within various market structures, with emphasis on analytical tools.

Selected Publications

Agnosteva D. R., Syropoulos C., Yotov Y., "Preferential Trade Liberalization with Endogenous Cartel Discipline: Implications for Trade and Welfare." Canadian Journal of Economics, 2024, pp. 33,
Agnosteva D., Anderson J. E., Yotov Y. V., "Intra-national trade costs: Assaying regional frictions." European Economic Review, vol. 112, 2019, pp. 32-50,

Honors and Awards

Best Principles or 300-Level Course, Department of Economics, Pennsylvania State University, (Aug 1, 2019)
College of Business and Economics Faculty Development and Research Grant, Towson University, (Jun 1, 2018)
Faculty Development and Research Grant, Towson University, (Jan 1, 2018)
Outstanding Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention (1 out of 2), Drexel University, (Jun 30, 2017)
Teaching Excellence Award, Drexel University, (Jan 1, 2015)
Dean's Fellowship, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University, (Jan 1, 2011)
LeBow College of Business Graduate Assistantship, Drexel University, (Jan 1, 2011)
Provost Scholarship, Drexel University, (Jan 1, 2011)
Outstanding Student in Economics, Ramapo College of New Jersey, (Jan 1, 2011)
Anisfield School of Business Scholarship, Ramapo College of New Jersey, (Jan 1, 2010)
Presidential Scholarship, Ramapo College of New Jersey, (Jan 1, 2007)