Dan Guide
Smeal Chaired Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Smeal Chaired Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management
Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 480 Business Building
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Email Address
Dan Guide

Smeal Chaired Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Smeal Chaired Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management
Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 480 Business Building
Phone Number
Email Address
Professor Guide is the Smeal Chaired Professor of Operations & Supply Chain Management. He joined the faculty at the Smeal College of Business in the fall of 2002. He was a visiting research fellow at INSEAD (2001-2003). His research has appeared in numerous academic and managerial journals, including Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management and Harvard Business Review. Professor Guide has been a guest editor for feature issues of California Management Review (46(2)), Interfaces (33(6)) and Production and Operations Management (15(3&4)) devoted to closed-loop supply chains. His research has been supported by grants from the Carnegie Bosch Institute and the NationalScience Foundation. He also regularly works with global organizations (including the US Navy, Hewlett-Packard, Robert BoschTools, Cisco and Pitney Bowes, Inc.) on a variety of closed-loop supply chain problems. He was co-EIC of the Journal of Operations Management from 2011-2017. Professor Guide was named as a Fellow at the Production and Operations Management Society in 2019. He is also the Academy of Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management Division, Distinguished Scholar, 2018
Professor Guide's research is focused on the development and control of closed-loop supply chains, time-based models for commercial product returns, remanufacturing, sustainable operations and producer responsibility legislation.
Ph D, Oper Mgmt & Mgmt Sci, The University of Georgia, 1992
MS, Clemson University, 1989
BS, Clemson University, 1987
Courses Taught
SCM 448 – Build Sustain Supply Chains (3)
This course looks at sustainability from a business perspective. In particular, it focuses on how to design businesses and their supply chains that are both economically and environmentally sustainable. Firms are under increasing pressure from governments, stakeholders, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the general public to develop products and processes that have a lower impact on the environment (e.g., lower carbon emissions).The course is designed to be offered via the Case Method teaching approach. This method uses decision-focusing cases to put students in the role of people who were faced with difficult decisions at some point in the past. Students will be challenged to develop ways industries can mitigate consumption problems.The outcome is to provide students with a knowledge base in core areas of sustainability from a business (supply chain) perspective. These core areas include but are not limited to: Fundamentals, Eco-efficiency, Product Stewardship, and Sustainable Strategy.
SCIS 520 – Prin Sc&Is I (3)
Initial course on principles of supply chain and information systems with special emphasis on potential research topics. SC&IS 520 Principles of SC&IS I (3) This is the first of two courses covering principles, research problems and issues in supply chain and information systems. The course familiarizes students with a wide range of appropriate research topics and prepares them to initiate doctoral level research in these areas. Topics include: logistics network design, transportation and distribution, management production and inventory management, supply chain integration and coordination, workflow systems, and process and data modeling of information systems.Evaluation methods include homework assignments, research paper(s), presentations, and class participation and discussion.Offered in the fall semester only. SC&IS 510 is a prerequisite.
SCIS 597 – Special Topics (Variable)
Formal courses given on a topical or special interest subject which may be offered infrequently; several different topics may be taught in one year or semester.
SCM 596 – Individual Studies (Variable)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, that are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
SCIS 596 – Individual Studies (Variable)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, that are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses. A specific title may be used in each instance and will be entered on the student's transcript.
SCM 497 – Special Topics (3)
Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject that may be topical or of special interest.
SCIS 600 – Thesis Research (3)
SC&IS 596 – Individual Studies (6)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, that are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses. A specific title may be used in each instance and will be entered on the student's transcript.
SC&IS 520 – Principles of SC&IS I (3)
Initial course on principles of supply chain and information systems with special emphasis on potential research topics.
SC&IS 597 – Special Topics (Variable)
Formal courses given on a topical or special interest subject which may be offered infrequently; several different topics may be taught in one year or semester.
SCM 405 – Manufacturing and Services Strategies (3)
Investigates manufacturing and services strategies in supply chain networks.
SC&IS 510 – Introduction to Supply Chain and Information Systems (3)
Introduction to the strategic framework, issues, and methods for integrating supply and demand management within and across companies.
SC&IS 530 – Principles of SC&IS II (3)
Sequel on principles of supply chain and information systems with special emphasis on potential research topics.
SC&IS 601 – Thesis Preparation
QMM 561 – Manufacturing Systems Planning and Control I (3)
Systems, components and configurations, flow of material and information in a manufacturing system.
QMM 582 – Manufacturing and Supply Chain Strategy (3)
Strategic decision context of manufacturing and its supply chains with linkage to corporate and business strategy.
SC&IS 597D – Data Mining for Business Applications (3)
This course will explore recent research and developments in sustainability from a business perspective. Various elements that are needed to develop a sustainable organization will be explored, including closed-loop supply chains, environmental regulation
SCM 556 – Manufacturing Strategy (2)
Development of service-sensitive manufacturing strategies to support synchronized supply chains.
SC&IS 405 – Manufacturing and Services Strategies (3)
Investigates operations strategy and its relationship to other functions in the supply chain and presents quantitative tools for decision-making.
SC&IS 597C – Ph.D. Seminar in Closed-Loop Supply Chains (3)
This seminar will examine the current state-of-the-art research (tactical and strategic) and practice in closed-loop and reverse supply chains. The research will also show how closed-llop supply chains are part of a larger research agenda on sustainabilit
SC&IS 597A – Operations Research in Supply Chains (3)
Formal courses given on a topical or special interest subject which may be offered infrequently; several different topics may be taught in one year or semester.
Selected Publications
High Impact Journal
High Impact Journal
Research Impact and Media Mentions
Guest Co-EIC (with Saurabh Bansal and Sergey Namov) for Special Issue of JOM on Closed-Loop Supply Chains with Product Remanufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities
Co-EIC of one of the top 3 journals in OM-SCM2016 1-year IF = 4.000 5-year IF = 8.229
Departmental Co-Editor - Sustainable Operations