Eva Maria Steiner

Color portrait of Eva Maria Steiner

Professor of Real Estate, Associate Director of Borrelli Institute for Real Estate Studies

Department Risk Management

Email Address ems6770@psu.edu

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Eva Steiner is a Professor of Real Estate and the Elliott Professor of Risk Management at the Penn State Smeal College of Business where she also serves as an Associate Director of the Borrelli Institute for Real Estate Studies. Prior to joining Smeal, she was an Assistant Professor of Real Estate at Cornell University. She obtained her M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Cambridge, U.K.


Real Estate Finance and Economics


Ph.D., Land Economy, The University of Cambridge, 2014

M.Phil., Real Estate Finance, The University of Cambridge, 2008

B.A., Business Administration, The University of Heilbronn, 2006

Courses Taught

This course surveys important issues in real estate markets, including special characteristics of real estate markets, valuation of real properties, mortgage mechanics and calculations, valuing investment opportunities, financing corporate real estate, financing project development, and the secondary mortgage marketAfter taking this course, students will be able to:1. Demonstrate understanding of basic features of real estate markets;2. Value real estate using the sales comparison approach and the income approach;3. Conduct mortgage-related calculations and make mortgage-financing decisions;4. Calculate before and after tax cash flows from income properties;5. Make investment decisions for income properties, and conduct sensitivity analysis;6. Conduct sensitivity analysis, partition Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and apply the real option approach in making investment decisions;7. Make real-estate-related decisions for non-real estate firms;8. Demonstrate understanding of the financing of project development;9. Know cash-flow mechanics and risk-sharing attributes of some mortgage-backed securities,10. Demonstrate understanding of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and their role in real estate investment

REST 890 – Colloquium (1)
Continuing, professionally oriented seminars that consist of a series of individual lectures by faculty, students, or outside speakers.

RM 450 – Cont Iss R Est Mkt (3)
Historical performance, land use issues, market valuation, real estate development, public policy issues.

Continuing seminars that consist of a series of individual lectures by faculty, students, or outside speakers.

Selected Publications

Campello M., Connolly R., Kankanhalli G., Steiner E., "Do Real Estate Values Boost Corporate Borrowing? Evidence from Contract-Level Data." Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 144, no. 2, 2022, pp. 611-644
Ambrose B. W., Steiner E., "Economic Fundamentals, Capital Expenditures and Asset Dispositions." Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 64, 2022, pp. 361-378
Fisher G., Steiner E., Titman S., Viswanathan A., "Location Density, Systematic Risk, and Cap Rates: Evidence from REITs." Real Estate Economics, vol. 50, no. 2, 2022, pp. 366-400
Frame S., Steiner E., "Quantitative Easing and Agency MBS Investment and Financing Choices by Mortgage REITs." Real Estate Economics, vol. 50, no. 4, 2022, pp. 931-965
Boudry W., Connolly R., Steiner E., "What Happens During Flight to Safety: Evidence from Public and Private Real Estate Markets." Real Estate Economics, vol. 50, no. 1, 2022, pp. 147-172
Addoum J., Eichholtz P., Steiner E., Yönder E., "Climate Change and Commercial Real Estate: Evidence from Hurricane Sandy." Real Estate Economics, vol. Forthcoming, 2022
Steiner E., "Breaking Down the REIT Balance Sheet." (Wiley), 2021, pp. 153-162
Chambers D., Spaenjers C., Steiner E., "The Rate of Return on Real Estate: Long-Run Micro-Level Evidence." Review of Financial Studies, vol. 34, no. 8, 2021, pp. 3572-3607
Riddiough T., Steiner E., "Financial Flexibility and Manager-Shareholder Conflict: Evidence from REITs." Real Estate Economics, vol. 48, no. 1, 2020, pp. 200-239
Alcock J., Steiner E., "Fundamental Drivers of Dependence in REIT Returns." Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 57, no. 1, 2018, pp. 4-42
Pavlov A., Steiner E., Wachter S., "The Consequences of REIT Index Membership for Return Patterns." Real Estate Economics, vol. 46, no. 1, 2018, pp. 210-250
Pavlov A., Steiner E., Wachter S., "REIT Capital Structure Choices: Preparation Matters." Real Estate Economics, vol. 46, no. 1, 2018, pp. 160-209
Alcock J., Steiner E., "The Interrelationships between REIT Capital Structure and Investment." Abacus, vol. 53, no. 3, 2017, pp. 371-394
Alcock J., Steiner E., "Unexpected Inflation, Capital Structure and Real Risk-Adjusted Firm Performance." Abacus, vol. 53, no. 2, 2017, pp. 273-298
Chambers D., Dimson E., Segel A., Steiner E., "The Role of Real Estate in Endowment Portfolios: The Case of Christ Church, Oxford." Harvard Business School, vol. Case No. 216-086, 2016
Pavlov A., Steiner E., Wachter S., "Macroeconomic Risk Factors and the Role of Mispriced Credit in the Returns from International Real Estate Securities." Real Estate Economics, vol. 43, no. 1, 2015, pp. 241-270
Alcock J., Steiner E., Tan K., "Joint Leverage and Maturity Choices in Real Estate Firms: The Role of the REIT Status." Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 48, no. 1, 2014, pp. 57-78
Alcock J., Glascock J., Steiner E., "Manipulation in U.S. REIT Investment Performance Evaluation: Empirical Evidence." Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 47, no. 3, 2013, pp. 434-465
Alcock J., Baum A., Colley N., Steiner E., "The Role of Financial Leverage in the Performance of Private Equity Real Estate Funds." Journal of Portfolio Management, vol. 39, no. 5, 2013, pp. 99-110

Research Impact and Media Mentions

"Dogged By 'Mistakes,' $1.2M Fine, Lawsuits And A Short Seller, Hotel Chain Shakes Up Leadership", Bis Now, www.bisnow.com/national/news/hotel/dogged-by-mistakes-fine-lawsuits-and-a-short-seller-hotel-chain-shakes-up-leadership-123302
"2022's Best Real Estate Markets", Wallet Hub, wallethub.com/edu/best-real-estate-markets/14889#expert=Eva_Steiner
"A Newly Public Company Wants To Shake Up The Hotel Industry. Customers Say It’s A Scam", Bis Now, www.bisnow.com/national/news/hotel/a-newly-public-company-wants-to-shake-up-the-hotel-industry-customers-say-its-a-scam-116357
"Seritage Drops REIT Status As It Weighs Sales", Bloomberg Law, news.bloomberglaw.com/bankruptcy-law/distressed-daily-seritage-drops-reit-status-as-it-weighs-sales
"Climate Change and Financial Stability? Recalling Lessons from the Great Recession", Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, www.richmondfed.org/publications/research/economic_brief/2021/eb_21-27
"COVID-19 Exposes Mortgage Market Vulnerabilities that Led to Volatility, Fed Intervention", Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, www.dallasfed.org/research/economics/2021/0202
"Economists Evaluate the Commercial Real Estate Recovery", REIT Magazine, reit.com/news/reit-magazine/may-june-2021/economists-evaluate-commercial-real-estate-recovery
"Hutchins Roundup: Bachelor’s Degrees, Quantitative Easing, and More", Brookings Institution, www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2021/05/20/hutchins-roundup-bachelors-degrees-quantitative-easing-and-more/
"New Report Examines How Real Estate Markets Respond to Physical Impacts of Climate Risk", UN Environment Program, www.unepfi.org/news/industries/investment/new-report-examines-how-real-estate-markets-respond-to-physical-impacts-of-climate-risks/
"Property Investment: Some Hard Truths", The Economist, www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2021/01/21/property-investment-some-hard-truths
"Do Dual-Branded Hotels Outperform Single-Branded Hotels?", Hotel News Resource, mobi.hotelnewsresource.com/?p=108765
"Do Dual-Branded Hotels Outperform Single-Branded Hotels?", Hotel Online, www.hotel-online.com/press_releases/release/do-dual-branded-hotels-outperform-single-branded-hotels/
"Do Dual-Branded Hotels Outperform Single-Branded Hotels?", Hospitality Net, www.hospitalitynet.org/opinion/4096645.html
"Shareholder Value and Social Values", Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, business.cornell.edu/article/faculty-panel-shareholder-value-and-social-values-friends-or-foes/
"Economists See Strong U.S. Fundamentals Boding Well For Real Estate", REIT Magazine, www.reit.com/news/reit-magazine/january-february-2018/economists-see-strong-us-fundamentals-boding-well-real
"Fed’s QE Contributed to Increased Risk-Taking by Lenders", Central Banking News Desk, www.centralbanking.com/central-banks/financial-stability/3669021/feds-qe-contributed-to-increased-risk-taking-by-lenders-research
"Take Charge With These 5 'Fortress' REITs", Seeking Alpha, seekingalpha.com/article/4210014-take-charge-5-fortress-reits
"Cornell’s Eva Steiner on REIT Capital Structures", REIT Magazine, www.reit.com/news/reit-magazine/november-december-2017/cornells-eva-steiner-reit-capital-structures
"Highlights of the 2017 NAREIT/AREUEA Real Estate Research Conference", Nareit Developments, www.reit.com/news/blog/nareit-developments/highlights-2017-nareit-areuea-real-estate-research-conference
"Capital Structure – The Value of Getting It Right", IPE Real Estate Magazine, realassets.ipe.com/investment-/capital-structure-the-value-of-getting-it-right/10003012.article
"Practical Applications of The Role of Financial Leverage in the Performance of Private Equity Real Estate Funds", Institutional Portfolio Research Practical Applications, pa.pm-research.com/content/2/1/1.11
"The Role of Financial Leverage in the Performance of Private Equity Real Estate Funds", Journal of Private Equity, jpe.pm-research.com/content/17/1/80


Journal of Real Estate Research, Editorial Board, January 2024 - Present
Real Estate Economics, Co-Editor, January 2022 - Present
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Editorial Board, January 2021 - Present

Honors and Awards