Fiona M. Greaves

Color portrait of Fiona M. Greaves

Assistant Clinical Professor of Business Law

Department Risk Management
Office Address 308 Business Building
Phone Number 814-865-0614
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JD, Columbia Law School, 1992

Courses Taught

BLAW 341 – Business Law I (3)
An introduction to the business environment emphasizing business contracts, liability issues arising from business relations, including those in the internet realm and intellectual property issues. Alternative dispute resolution and global perspectives will be integrated throughout. B LAW 341 Business Law I: Introduction to Contracts, Liability Issues, and Intellectual Property (3) Business decisions have legal consequences. Such decisions can represent both legal risks and opportunities. It is important for one entering business to have a fundamental understanding of the governing legal principles. This course will provide an introduction to the U.S. legal system, coverage of the major components of contract law, and an examination of business liability issues under tort law. In addition, the intellectual property issues of trade secrets, trademarks, patents, and copyrights will be covered. The impact of digital technology and business globalization will be integrated into each topic discussed. The course will be taught in a lecture-discussion format to encourage interaction and exploration of difficult issues. The course text and materials will include key business legal cases.

BLAW 441 – Agncy, Eploy and Str (3)
An examination of the laws governing agency relationships, employment, and the various structures of commercial enterprises.

BLAW 446 – Employment Law (3)
Examines the legal and regulatory environment of employment relationships. Topics include anti-discrimination; worker health and safety; and labor relations laws. B LAW 446 Employment Law (3) The course is designed for business students seeking a solid understanding of labor relations and employment law. It is not a general overview or introduction to law course for those seeking to enter law school. Labor and employment law has developed and changed over the past seven decades, and continues to evolve as the economic model and means of productions changes globally. With the passing of the National Labor Relations Act and subsequent amendments thereto, including development in the ability of public employees to engage in concerted activity, the understanding of the modifications in the employer-employee relationships is necessary for successful business executives and front-line managers. While a thorough understanding of the underpinnings of these laws is necessary, this is only a portion of the issues at hand. The ability to apply these laws in current working environments along with interpreting and critiquing these laws will assist in the preparation of future corporate managers. The course goes into detailed discussion regarding the employment at will doctrine, wrongful discharge, workplace torts, and employee privacy and monitoring. With this foundation, the course then covers civil rights and discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, family obligation, disability, and national origin are covered using Supreme Court cases that have tested the validity and soundness of our federal legislation. The closing part of the course focuses on organized labor through the process of unionizing and union membership, negotiations and economic pressure used to obtain concessions in collective agreements. Additionally, fair labor laws and occupational health and safety requirements to diminish workplace accidents and improve productivity is discussed. For each of the topics presented, detailed analysis of prominent cases will be discussed with the expectation that students can apply these case decisions to current employer/employee situations. Exposure to differing opinions, reversed rulings, and detailed legal processes will provide students with a broad understanding of the complex nature of legal proceedings and how these processes impact labor and employment relations in the United States. Content synthesis and critical analysis are the learning goals of the course.

BLAW 494H – Research Project (3)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.

BLAW 243 – Legal Env of Bus (3)
Social control through law: courts, basic policies underlying individual and contractual rights in everyday society.

BLAW 496 – Indep Studies (Variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

B LAW 243 – Legal Environment of Business (3)
Social control through law: courts, basic policies underlying individual and contractual rights in everyday society. May not be used to satisfy Smeal College baccalaureate degree requirements. Not available to students who have taken B A 243.

B LAW 341 – Business Law I: Introduction to Contracts, Liability Issues, and Intellectual Property (3)
An introduction to the business environment emphasizing business contracts, liability issues arising from business relations, including those in the internet realm and intellectual property issues. Alternative dispute resolution and global perspectives wi

B LAW 441 – Business Law II: Agency, Employment and Business Structure (3)
An examination of the laws governing agency relationships, employment, and the various structures of commercial enterprises.

B LAW 446 – Employment Law (3)
Examines the legal and regulatory environment of employment relationships. Topics include anti-discrimination; worker health and safety; and labor relations laws.

B LAW 494H – Research Project (3)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.

B LAW 496 – Independent Studies (Variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

B LAW 497A – Employment Law (3)
Intro to laws & regulations governing employment relationships.

B LAW 346 – Agency, Employment & Business Structure (3)
An examination of the laws governing agency relationships, employment, and the various structures of commercial enterprises.

B A 241 – Legal Environment of Business (2)
Examines the legal system's role and impact regarding business transactions, liability issues, and ownership of intellectual property. Students earning credit for B A 241 may not earn credit toward Smeal College baccalaureate degree for B Law 243 and/or B

Selected Publication

Greaves F. M., Green P., "The Legal Issues Surrounding Partnerships Between Charter Schools and For-Profit Management Companies." 2006

Honors and Awards