Duncan K. Fong

Color portrait of Duncan K. Fong

Professor of Marketing

Department Marketing
Office Address 456 Business Building
Phone Number 814-863-3541
Email Address i2v@psu.edu

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Duncan K. H. Fong, Frank and Mary Jean Smeal Research Fellow, is Professor of Marketing and Statistics at Penn State. He is a former chairman of the Marketing Department (2010-13) and a former Ph.D. Director of Smeal Ph.D. Programs (2009). Professor Fong has served as the Ph.D. Coordinator of the Marketing Department from 2004 to 2010, 2014-2015, and 2019-2021. He had been invited as a visiting scholar/professor at Yale University (2017), Columbia University (2017), University of Maryland (2011), City University of Hong Kong (2008), Duke University (2003), and Georgia Institute of Technology (1994). He has published more than fifty refereed articles in various top journals in Marketing, Statistics, Operations Management and Operations Research.

Professor Fong is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, Fellow of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, and Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. He is currently an Editorial Board Member of Marketing Science and the International Journal of Research in Marketing. In addition, he has previously served as Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Associate Editor of the Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Editor of Asian European Journal of Mathematics, and Associate Editor of the ISBA Bulletin. Professor Fong is a Founding Member of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis and served on its Governing Board from 1992 to 1994. At Penn State, he has served on 34 doctoral committees and 13 M.S. committees, supervised 10 doctoral dissertations, 3 master theses and 1 undergraduate honors thesis. His former Ph.D. advisees were placed at universities and industrial firms.


Professor Fong's research interests include marketing research, marketing analytics, Bayesian analysis, operations and supply chain management. He is currently working on several projects, which include the development of new methodologies to perform market segmentation, the investigation of dynamic evolution of consumer preferences, Bayesian multidimensional scaling procedures, among others.


Ph D, Statistics, Purdue University, 1987

MS, Statistics, Purdue University, 1984

BS, Mathematics (first class honor), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1979

Courses Taught

MKTG 342 – Marketing Research (3)
Research approaches, methods, and applications studied as a formal approach to problem solving for marketing decisions.

MKTG 596 – Individual Studies (Variable)

MKTG 600 – Thesis Research (Variable)

MKTG 597 – Special Topics (3)
Formal courses given on a topical or special interest subject which may be offered infrequently; several different topics may be taught in one year or term.

MKTG 590 – Colloquium (2)
Continuing seminars that consist of a series of individual lectures by faculty, students, or outside speakers.

MKTG 597A – Marketing in Challenging Times (3)
This course focuses on two aspects of Bayesian Statistics: hierarchicial modelbuilding and inference using the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm.

STAT 596 – Individual Studies (variable)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

MKTG 597B – Marketing Engineering (2)
Special topics course for graduate students.

MKTG 597E – Bayesian Methods with Application in Marketing and Behavioral Science (3)
Formal courses given on a topical or special interest subject which may be offered infrequently; several different topics may be taught in one year or term.

Selected Publications

Chen Q., Agarwal A., Fong D., Desarbo W., Xue L., "Model-Based Co-Clustering in Customer Targeting Utilizing Large-Scale Online Product Rating Networks." Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2024
Kani A., Fong D., Desarbo W., "Modeling the Evolution of Competitive Market Structure via Competitive Group Dynamics." Journal of Modelling in Management, vol. 18, no. 2, 2023, pp. 457-479
Zhang Y., Fong D., Desarbo W., "A Generalized Ordinal Finite Mixture Regression Model for Market Segmentation." International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 38, 2021, pp. 1055-1072
Lin L., Fong D., "Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling Procedure with Variable Selection." Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 129, 2019, pp. 1-13 (lead article)
Kani A., Desarbo W., Fong D., "A Factorial Hidden Markov Model for the Analysis of Temporal Change in Choice Models." Customer Needs and Solutions, vol. 5, 2018, pp. 162-177
Kim S., Desarbo W., Fong D., "A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach for Examining Heterogeneity in Choice Decisions." Journal of Mathematical Psychology, vol. 82, 2018, pp. 56-72
Fong D., Chen Q., Chen Z., Wang R., "An Application of Heterogeneous Bayesian Regression Models with Time Varying Coefficients to Explore the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Shareholder Value." Open Journal of Statistics, vol. 7, 2017, pp. 36-53
Fong D., Kim S., Chen Z., Desarbo W., "A Bayesian Multinomial Probit Model for the Analysis of Panel Choice Data." Psychometrika, vol. 81, 2016, pp. 161-183
Fong D., Desarbo W., Chen Z., Xu Z., "A Bayesian Vector Multidimensional Scaling Procedure Incorporating Dimension Reparameterization with Variable Selection." Psychometrika, vol. 80, 2015, pp. 1043-1065
Kim S., Blanchard S. J., Desarbo W., Fong D., "Implementing Managerial Constraints in Model-Based Segmentation: Extensions of Kim, Fong, and DeSarbo (2012) with an Application to Heterogeneous Perceptions of Service Quality." Journal of Marketing Research, vol. L, 2013, pp. 664-673
Kim S., Fong D., Desarbo W., "Model Based Segmentation Featuring Simultaneous Segment Level Variable Selection." Journal of Marketing Research, vol. XLIX, 2012, pp. 725-736
Fong D., Ebbes P., Desarbo W., "A Heterogeneous Bayesian Regression Model for Cross Sectional Data Involving a Single Observation per Response Unit." Psychometrika, vol. 77, no. 2, 2012, pp. 293-314
Fong D., "A Comparison of Generalized Multinomial Logit (GMNL) and Latent Class Approaches to Studying Consumer Heterogeneity with Some Extensions of the GMNL Model by J. Pancras and D.K.Dey." Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, vol. 27, no. 6, 2011, pp. 579
Li K., Fong D., Xu S. H., "Managing Trade-in Programs Based on Product Characteristics and Customer Heterogeneity in Business-to-Business Markets." Manufacturing & Services Operations Management, vol. 13, no. 1, 2011, pp. 108-123
Fong D., Desarbo W., Park J., Scott C., "A Bayesian Vector Multidimensional Scaling Procedure for the Analysis of Ordered Preference Data." Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 105, no. 490, 2010, pp. 482-492
Desarbo W., Ebbes P., Fong D., Snow C. C., "Revisiting customer value analysis in a heterogeneous market.." Journal of Modelling in Management, vol. 5, no. 1, 2010, pp. 8-24
Fong D., "Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling and Its Applications in Marketing Research." Frontier of Statistical Decision Making and Bayesian Analysis, 2010, pp. 410-417
Liechty J. C., Fong D., Huizingh E., De Bruyn A., "Hierarchical Bayesian Conjoint Models Incorporating Measurement Uncertainty." Marketing Letters, vol. 19, 2008, pp. 141-155
Kayande U., Roberts J., Lilien G. L., Fong D., "Mapping the bounds of incoherence: How far can you go and how does it affect your brand?." Marketing Science, vol. 26, 2007, pp. 504-513
Fong D., Desarbo W., "A Bayesian Methodology for Simultaneously Detecting and Estimating Regime Change Points and Variable Selection in Multiple Regression Models for Marketing Research." Quantitative Marketing and Economics, vol. 5, 2007, pp. 427-453
Fu H., Ramasesh R., Fong D., "Component Commonality and Shortage Reduction under a Mixed Erlang Distributed Demand." International Journal of Operations Research, vol. 3, 2006, pp. 36-46
Liechty J. C., Fong D., Desarbo W., "Dynamic Models Incorporating Individual Heterogeneity: Utility Evolution in Conjoint Analysis." Marketing Science, no. 24, 2005
Desarbo W., Fong D., Liechty J. C., Chang J., "Evolutionary Preference/Utility Functions: A Dynamic Perspective." Psychometrika, vol. 70, 2005, pp. 179-202
Fong D., Fu H., Li Z., "Efficiency in Shortage Reduction When Using a More Expensive Common Component." Computers and Operations Research, vol. 31, 2004, pp. 123-138
Desarbo W., Fong D., Liechty J. C., Saxton K., "A Hierarchical Bayesian Procedure for Two-Mode Cluster Analysis." Psychometrika, vol. 69, 2004, pp. 547-572
Bolton G. E., Fong D., Mosquin P., "Bayes Factors with an Application to Experimental Economics." Experimental Economics, vol. 6, 2003, pp. 311-325
Stavrulaki E., Fong D., Lin D. J., "Two-Resource Stochastic Capacity Planning Employing a Bayesian Methodology." Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 54, 2003, pp. 1198-1208
Beattie S. D., Fong D., Lin D. J., "A Two-Stage Bayesian Model Selection Strategy for Supersaturated Designs." Technometrics, vol. 44, 2002, pp. 55-63
Fong D., Pammer S. E., Arnold S. F., Bolton G. E., "Reanalyzing Ultimatum Bargaining--Comparing Nondecreasing Curves without Shape Constraints." Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 20, 2002, pp. 423-430
Kanyamibwa F., Christy D. P., Fong D., "Variable Selection in Product Design." Quality Management Journal, vol. 8, 2001, pp. 62-79
Fong D., Gempesaw V. M., Ord J. K., "Analysis of a Dual Sourcing Inventory Model with Normal Unit Demand and Erlang Mixture Lead Times." European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 120, 2000, pp. 97-107
Pammer S. E., Fong D., Arnold S. F., "Forecasting the Penetration of a New Product -- A Bayesian Approach." Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 18, 2000, pp. 428-435
Ramasesh R. V., Fu H., Fong D., Hayya J. C., "Lot Streaming in Multi-Stage Production Systems." International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 3, 2000, pp. 199-211


Marketing Science, Editorial Board, January 2018 - Present
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, Editor, January 2013 - December 2014
International Journal of Research in Marketing, Editorial Board, January 2012 - Present
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Associate Editor, January 2012 - December 2018
Journal of American Statisical Association, Associate Editor, June 2009 - December 2012
Marketing Science, Editorial Board, January 2008 - December 2010
ISBA Bulletin, the official publication of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Associate Editor, January 2001 - January 2004

Honors and Awards