Jennifer A. Roth
Adjunct Instructor
Department Marketing
Office Address 455 Business Building
Phone Number
Email Address
Jennifer A. Roth

Adjunct Instructor
Department Marketing
Office Address 455 Business Building
Phone Number
Email Address
Courses Taught
MKTG 301 – Prin of Mktg (3)
Focuses on customer behavior, product, channels of distribution, promotion, and pricing with emphasis on a culturally diverse environment.
MKTG 410 – Personal Selling (3)
Principles underlying the selling process and practical application of these principles to selling situations.
MKTG 428 – Adv Sales Mgmt (3)
Approaches to planning, organizing, staffing, training, directing, and controlling the sales force in support of marketing objectives.
MGMT 326 – Org Beh and Design (3)
Concepts, theories, and methods of managing people and designing organizations. MGMT 326 Organizational Behavior and Design (3) This introductory course covers the concepts, theories, and methods of managing people and designing organizations. Issues and challenges of managing at different organizational levels (individual, group, project, and total organization) are discussed and illustrated with real-world examples. Students learn about the latest means of designing high-performing organizations, including how to change an organization. This course will serve as a foundation for taking advanced management courses. The primary method of evaluation is an examination after each of the four major parts of the course, but class participation and short papers may also be used for evaluation.
MGMT 451 – Bus Eth and Soc (3)
Advanced examination of social, ethical, legal, economic, equity, environmental, public policy, and political influences on managerial DECISIONS AND STRATEGIES. MGMT 451W Business, Ethics, and Society (3) Focuses on the knowledge, skills, and perspectives that a manager must have in order to deal with the social, legal, ethical, and political demands in society. Ecological, ethical, and public policy dimensions of various managerial decisions are examined.
MGMT 461 – Intnl Mgmt (3)
Examines issues of nations and cultures including motivation, communication, negotiation, leadership, ethics and social responsibility, and women in management.
B A 297A – Career Planning Strategies (1)
This course attempts to determine if the students' personal interests, values,skills and goals are consistent with their chosen career. Activities include resumes, mock interviews and networking.