Johanna H. Slot

Color portrait of Johanna H. Slot

Associate Clinical Professor of Marketing

Department Marketing
Office Address 476 Business Building
Phone Number 814-865-4170
Email Address

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Johanna H. Slot joined Penn State in January 2014. She received her PhD from Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Her research is focused on open innovation strategies and interfirm relationships. Her work includes research questions related to the involvement of customers, suppliers, competitors, and partners in new product development, and also covers newer developments such as crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.

Johanna's research work has won several awards, including the ISBM Doctoral Dissertation Support Award, the Best Paper Award of the World Open Innovation Conference at UC Berkeley, and her publication in the Journal of Operations Management was a finalist for the Jack Meredith Best Paper Award.

Johanna is the Marketing Department's lead for retail. She maintains relationships with the National Retailer Federation Foundation and retailers. She also manages the Jacobs Fellows Program, an exclusive program for seniors with an interest in luxury retail and high-end fashion. Johanna is one of Smeal's faculty representatives in the Penn State Senate. She serves on the Curricular Affairs subcommittee. Johanna's term as a Senator is 2021-2025.

Prior to joining academia, Johanna worked as a business consultant for Ordina Management Consulting (The Netherlands), where she developed marketing strategies on (open) innovation and social media use for a wide variety of clients in industries ranging from banking and insurance, public administration, and electronic consumer goods. Johanna has also been active as a market researcher for Research International (The Netherlands) and Air Berlin (Germany).


Collaborative new product development, Innovation, Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding, Retail


Ph D, Marketing, Tilburg University, 2013

MS, Marketing Research, Tilburg University, 2009

MS, International Business (Marketing, Services, and Information), Maastricht University, 2004

Courses Taught

MKTG 437 – Adv Ret and Mer Mgmt (3)
Analyzing planning and controlling the retail merchandising effort, including procurement, resource selection, vendor relations, product presentation, inventory control.

MKTG 494H – Research Project (Variable)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.

MKTG 496 – Indep Studies (Variable)

MKTG 498 – Special Topics (2)
Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject which may be topical or of special interest.

MKTG 817 – New Prod Dev Mgmt (3)
This course focuses on the analytical, decision making, and planning concepts, frameworks, and tools available to market, product, and brand managers regarding innovation and new product development.

MKTG 301H – Honors Mktg (3)

MKTG 399 – Foreign Studies (3)
Courses offered in foreign countries by individual or group instruction.

MKTG 450W – Marketing Strategy (3)
Market-oriented problems of the firm; identification and selection of market opportunities; formulation of competitive strategies; marketing policies and programs.

MKTG 842 – New Prod Dev Mgmt (2)
MKTG 842 focuses on the analytical, decision making, and planning concepts, frameworks, and tools available to market, product, and brand managers regarding innovation and new product development. The course covers strategic topics on innovation and new product development. In doing so, the course broadly tracks the new product development process including opportunity identification, idea generation methods (both within and crossing firm boundaries such as design thinking, open innovation, and crowdsourcing), concept evaluation and selection, product design, product use testing and prototyping, innovation adoption and diffusion, and sales forecasting. Topical issues such as technological developments relevant to innovation and new product development are covered as well. Students learn the fundamental concepts of innovation and new product development, how to apply tools and frameworks to business situations, such to formulate an appropriate approach to innovation and strategic new product needs, and how to apply qualitative and quantitative techniques to conduct business analysis at various stages of the new product development process in a hands-on team new product development project. Through lectures, case discussions, and a variety of experiential learning methods, the course provides an in-depth understanding of real-world challenges in innovation and new product development.

MKTG 596 – Individual Studies (Variable)

MKTG 542 – New Prod Dev Mgmt (2)
Identify business opportunity, understand potential customer needs, and develop a new product from concept to virtual prototype.

MKTG 422 – Adv/Sales Pro Mgmt (3)
Perspectives and models of the key decisions involved in managing advertising and sales promotion campaigns.

MKTG 450 – Marketing Strategy (3)
Market-oriented problems of the firm; identification and selection of market opportunities; formulation of competitive strategies; marketing policies and programs.

MKTG 590 – Colloquium (1)
Continuing seminars that consist of a series of individual lectures by faculty, students, or outside speakers.

Selected Publication

Slot J. H., Wuyts S., Geyskens I., "Buyer Participation in Outsourced New Product Development: The Role of Relationship Multiplexity." Journal of Operations Management, 2020

Research Impact and Media Mentions

"Dissertation Defense Johanna Slot", Newsletter of the Netherlands National Aerospace Laboratory, Newsletter
""4 handige tips bij crowdsourcing" ["4 handy pieces of advice for crowdsourcing"]", De Telegraaf, Newspaper
""Rendement ideeënwedstrijd verbetert door uitloven meerdere kleine prijzen" ["Return of idea generation contest improves by setting multiple small prizes"]", NWO Newsletter, Newsletter of the Netherlands Science Organization

Honors and Awards