Hans Baumgartner

Color portrait of Hans Baumgartner

Smeal Chair Professor of Marketing

Department Marketing
Office Address 482 Business Building
Phone Number 814-863-3559
Email Address jxb14@psu.edu

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Professor Baumgartner's research interests are in consumer psychology and research methodology, particularly structural equation modeling and (cross-cultural) measurement analysis. He has published articles on these topics in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Psychological Methods, Sociological Methods and Research, Organizational Research Methods, and Journal of Economic Literature, among others. He is the author (together with Bert Weijters) of the monograph Measurement in Marketing.


Ph D, Marketing, Stanford University, 1988

MS, Statistics, Stanford University, 1988

MBA, The University of Texas at Arlington, 1984

Mag. rer.soc.oec., The University of Innsbruck, 1982

Courses Taught

In rapidly changing markets characterized by ever more demanding customers served by global competitors, intuitive decision making, even when honed by years of experience, is unlikely to generate superior results. Instead, successful marketers increasingly rely on Marketing Analytics, a systematic approach to applying analytical models to properly organized empirical data, with the goal of extracting true insights about the marketing environment.This course will introduce students to commonly used analytical tools in such areas as segmentation, targeting and positioning, satisfaction management, customer lifetime analysis, customer choice, product and price decisions using conjoint analysis, and text analysis and search analytics. This is a hands-on course based on the Marketing Engineering approach and Excel software, in which students will apply the tools studied to actual business situations and conduct a group project involving primary data collection and analysis.At the conclusion of this course, students will be familiar with some of the more common marketing analytics tools and be able to extract insights from marketing data using model-supported decision making.

MKTG 554 – Res Meth in Mktg (3)
Philosophical, methodological, and measurement issues involved in designing, conducting, analyzing, and interpreting research in marketing.

MKTG 494H – Research Project (Variable)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.

MKTG 497 – Special Topics (3)
Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject which may be topical or of special interest.

MKTG 590 – Colloquium (1)
Continuing seminars that consist of a series of individual lectures by faculty, students, or outside speakers.

MKTG 330 – Consumer Behavior (3)
Application of behavioral science concepts to the understanding of buyer behavior as a basis for marketing management decision making.

MKTG 596 – Individual Studies (variable)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

MKTG 494 – Research Project (variable)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.

MKTG 551 – Theoretical Perspectives on Buyer Behavior (3)
Review of marketing and social sciences research related to understanding consumer and market behavior.

MKTG 597A – Marketing in Challenging Times (1)
Special topics course.

Selected Publications

Weijters B., Gorissen K., Deltomme B., Baumgartner J., "Proud to limit the damage: Negatively framed eco-ratings motivate green intentions through anticipated pride." Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2024
Weijters B., Deltomme B., Gorissen K., Baumgartner J., "Measuring Latent Individual Difference Variables with a Conjoint Design and Structural Equation Modeling." Marketing Letters, 2024
Yi S., Baumgartner J., "A 4-Factor Revision of the Pathological Buying Screener: The Structural Model of Compulsive Buying and its Relationship with Personality Traits." International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2024
Glaser M., Choi Y., Baumgartner J., "“(Un)Bothered by the Story’s Ambiguity: How Individual Differences in Consumers’ Need for Closure Affect Transportation and Brand Attitude in Narrative Ads." Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2024
Baumgartner H., Homburg C., "Factor Analysis." (Springer), 2023
Weijters B., Davidov E., Baumgartner J., "Analyzing Factorial Survey Data with Structural Equation Models." Sociological Methods and Research, vol. 52, no. 4, 2023, pp. 2050–2082
Baumgartner H., Weijters B., "External Validity is More Important than Internal Consistency." Journal of Consumer Psychology, vol. 33, 2023, pp. 252-254
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., "How to Identify Careless Responders in Surveys." Review of Marketing Research, (Emerald Publishing), vol. 19, 2022
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., "Measurement in Marketing: Introduction by the Volume Editors." Review of Marketing Research, vol. 19, 2022
Weijters B., Baumgartner J., "On the use of balanced item parceling to counter acquiescence bias in stuctural equation models." Organizational Research Methods, vol. 25, no. 1, 2022, pp. 170-180
Baumgartner H., Blanchard S. J., Sprott D., "The Critical Role of Methodological Pluralism for Policy-Relevant Empirical Research." Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, vol. 41, no. 3, 2022, pp. 203-205
Chen A., Baumgartner J., Meloy M. C., "Identifying picky shoppers: Who they are and how to spot them." Journal of Consumer Psychology, vol. 31, no. 4, 2021, pp. 706-725
Lee S., Baumgartner J., Pieters R., "A Triadic Model of Social Motivations in Pay-What-You-Want Decisions." Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, vol. 6, no. 1, 2021, pp. 105-119
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., Pieters R., "The biasing effect of common method variance: Some clarifications." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 49, no. 2, 2021, pp. 221-235
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., "Dealing with common method variance in international marketing research." Journal of International Marketing, vol. 29, no. 3, 2021, pp. 7-22
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., "Structural equation modeling." (Springer Nature), 2021, pp. 549-586
Weijters B., Baumgartner J., "Analyzing policy capturing data using structural equation modeling for within-subject experiments (SEMWISE)." Organizational Research Methods, vol. 22, no. 3, 2019, pp. 623-648
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., "Measurement in Marketing." Foundations and Trends in Marketing, vol. 12, no. 4, 2019, pp. 278-400
Stadler Blank A. M., Koenigstorfer J., Baumgartner J., "Sport Team Personality: It's Not all About Winning!." Sport Management Review, vol. 21, no. 2, 2018, pp. 114-132
Weijters B., Cabooter E., Baumgartner J., "When Cheap Isn't the Same as Not Expensive: Generic Price Terms and Their Negations." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2018
Hulland J., Baumgartner J., Smith K. M., "Marketing Survey Research Best Practices: Evidence and Recommendations from a Review of JAMS Articles." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 46, no. 1, 2018, pp. 92-108
Lee S., Baumgartner J., Winterich K. P., "Did they earn it? Observing unearned luxury consumption decreases brand attitude when observers value fairness." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2017
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., "Measurement Models for Marketing Constructs." (Springer International), 2017, pp. 259-295
Weijters B., Puntoni S., Baumgartner J., "Methodological Issues in Cross-Linguistic and Multilingual Advertising Research." Journal of Advertising, vol. 46, no. 1, 2017, pp. 115-128
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., "Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research." (Springer International), 2017, pp. 169-190
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., "Structural Equation Modeling." (Springer International), 2017, pp. 335-360
Gunasti K., Baumgartner J., "The Asymmetric Effects of Positive or Negative Experiences with an Extension on Low- or High-Equity Parent Brands: A Microtheoretical Notion." Customer Needs and Solutions, vol. 3, 2016, pp. 126-143
Weijters B., Baumgartner J., Geuens M., "The Calibrated Sigma Method: An Efficient Remedy for Between-Group Differences in Response Category Use on Likert Scale." International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 33, 2016, pp. 944-960
Koenigstorfer J., Baumgartner J., "The Effect of Fitness Branding on Restrained Eaters’ Food Consumption and Post-Consumption Physical Activity." Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 53, no. 1, 2016, pp. 124-138
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., "Response Biases in Cross-Cultural Measurement." (Oxford University Press), 2015, pp. 150-180
Weijters B., De Beuckelaer A., Baumgartner J., "Discriminant Validity Where There Should Be None: Positioning Same-Scale Items in Separated Blocks of a Questionnaire." Applied Psychological Measurement, 2014
Weijters B., Baumgartner J., Schillewaert N., "Reversed Item Bias: An Integrative Model." Psychological Methods, vol. 18, 2013, pp. 320-334
Weijters B., Geuens M., Baumgartner J., "The Effect of Familiarity with the Response Category Labels on Item Response to Likert Scales." Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 40, 2013, pp. 368-381
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., "Commentary on “Common Method Bias in Marketing: Causes, Mechanisms, and Procedural Remedies." Journal of Retailing, vol. 88, 2012, pp. 563-566
Weijters B., Baumgartner J., "Misresponse to Reversed and Negated Items in Surveys: A Review." Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 49, 2012, pp. 737-747
Baumgartner J., "Repetitive Purchase Behavior." (Springer Gabler), 2012
Baumgartner J., Pieters R., "Consumer Goals and Motivation." Richard P. Bagozzi and Ayalla A. Ruvio (Eds.), Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing, Vol. 3, edited by Richard P. Bagozzi and Ayalla A. Ru, vol. 3, 2011, pp. 196-203
Yi S., Baumgartner J., "Coping with Guilt and Shame in the Impulse Buying Context." Journal of Economic Psychology, vol. 32, 2011, pp. 458-467
Baumgartner J., "Structural Equation Modeling." Wagner A. Kamakura (Ed.), Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing, Vol. 2, edited by Wagner A. Kamakura, vol. 2, Wiley, 2011, pp. 262-274
Baumgartner J., "A Review of Prior Classifications of Purchase Behavior and a Proposal for a New Typology." vol. 6, 2010, pp. 3-36
Baumgartner J., "Bibliometric Reflections on the History of Consumer Research." Journal of Consumer Psychology, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 233-238
Steenkamp J., DeJong M., Baumgartner J., "Socially Desirable Response Tendencies in Survey Research." Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 47, 2010, pp. 199-214
Bosmans A., Pieters R., Baumgartner J., "The Get Ready Mindset: How Gearing Up for Later Impacts Effort Allocation Now." Journal of Consumer Research, 2010
Yi S., Baumgartner J., "Regulatory Focus and Message Framing: A Test of Three Accounts." Motivation and Emotion, vol. 33, 2009, pp. 435-443
Baumgartner J., Pieters R., "Goal-Directed Consumer Behavior: Motivation, Volition and Affect." Handbook of Consumer Psychology, 2008, pp. 367-392
Baumgartner J., Pieters R., Bagozzi R., "Future-Oriented Emotions: Conceptualization and Behavioral Effects." European Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 38, 2008
Yi S., Baumgartner J., "Motivational Compatibility and Anticipated Feelings." Psychology & Marketing, vol. 25, no. 11, 2008, pp. 1007-1026
De Jong M., Steenkamp J., Fox J., Baumgartner J., "Using Item Response Theory to Measure Extreme Response Style in Marketing Research: A Global Investigation." Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 45, no. 2, 2008, pp. 104-115
Grewal R. S., Cote J. A., Baumgartner J., "Multicollinearity and Measurement Error in Structural Equation Models: Implications for Theory Testing." Marketing Science, vol. 23, no. 4, 2004, pp. 519-529
Baumgartner J., Weijters B., Pieters R., "Misresponse to Survey Questions: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Test of the Effects of Reversals, Negations, and Polar Opposite Core Concepts." Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 869-883


Measurement in Marketing, Vol. 19 of Review of Marketing Research, Co-Editor, May 2020 - January 2022
Journal of Marketing, Editorial Board, July 2018 - January 2022
International Journal of Research in Marketing, Editorial Board, February 2017 - Present
Journal of Consumer Psychology, Associate Editor, January 2015 - December 2017
Journal of Marketing Research, Editorial Board, January 2014 - January 2022
Management Review Quarterly, Editorial Board, January 2014 - December 2017
Journal of Consumer Research, Associate Editor, July 2011 - December 2012
International Journal of Research in Marketing, Associate Editor, July 2009 - June 2015
Die Betriebswirtschaft, Editorial Board, January 2007 - December 2016
Journal of Consumer Psychology, Editorial Board, January 2005 - January 2023
Marketing ZFB: Journal of Research and Management, Editorial Board, January 2004 - Present
Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, Editorial Board, January 2004 - January 2013
Journal of Consumer Research, Editorial Board, July 1994 - December 2020

Honors and Awards