John Edward Ketz
Associate Professor
Department Accounting
Office Address 372 Business Building
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Email Address
John Edward Ketz

Associate Professor
Department Accounting
Office Address 372 Business Building
Phone Number
Email Address
Dr. J. Edward Ketz has authored numerous articles and nine books and has edited six others.? His book Hidden Financial Risk examines thecorporate culture and the institutional setting that engendered therecent accounting scandals, informs investors how to protectthemselves, and suggests improvements for the profession.? Hisforthcoming Critical Perspectives in Accounting Ethics investigates theaccounting profession over the last century by scrutinizing itspositions on ethics and its roles in myriad accounting scandals and byexploring whether the industry will ever reduce the number ofaccounting frauds.? His forthcoming Fair Value Measurementssummarizes the FASB's efforts in this area, supplies the conceptualideas behind this topic, describes methods employed by valuationassessors, and reviews criticisms of fair value measurements. Dr.Ketz writes a column about financial reporting issues, AccountingCycle: Wash, Rinse, and Spin, which appears Some recent essays are: Principles-Based Accounting: Rules versus Principles Principles-Based Accounting: Addressing Causes Instead of Treating Symptoms FASB Takes a Look at Contingent Convertibles SPEs and Finance Subs:? Ain't Much Difference! Rediscovering Covey's Principles You Can't Legislate the Truth! The Biggest Accounting Fraud: Social SecurityProfessor Ketzhas been cited in the popular and business press, including The WallStreet Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Business Week,USA Today, and Chicago Tribune, on topics such as the reconstitution ofthe Financial Accounting Foundation, accounting for stock compensation,business combination accounting, and evaluations of specific corporateaccounting practices at Enron, Tyco, Rite Aid, HealthSouth, and Fannie Mae.
Accounting Ethics. Financial accounting and reporting. Forensic accounting
Ph D, Accounting, Virginia Tech, 1977
MA, Accounting, Virginia Tech, 1975
MA, Accounting, Virginia Tech, 1975
BA, Accounting, Virginia Tech, 1972
Courses Taught
ACCTG 473 – Adv Fin Acctg (3)
Reporting for multi-corporate enterprises, business combinations, quasi- reorganizations, and selected contemporary reporting problems.ACCTG 473 Advanced Financial Accounting (3) This course explores four major topics: accounting for business combinations, introduction to derivatives and special purpose entities, accounting for foreign currency transactions and consolidating foreign subsidiaries, and ethics and policy issues for the profession.
ACCTG 597 – Special Topics (3)
ACCTG 803 – Forensic Acctg (3)
Study of investigative accounting, consulting and litigation support activities undertaken in forensic accounting engagements.
IMBA 515 – Acctg Ext Reports (2)
ACCTG 873 – Advanced Topics in Financial Reporting (3)
Financial disclosure and reporting for complex business enterprises and activities; current issues in financial reporting.
ACCTG 596 – Individual Studies (3)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
ACCTG 597K – Accounting Scandals (3)
This special topics course will cover accounting scandals.
ACCTG 472 – Intermediate Financial Accounting II (3)
Off-balance-sheet financing; special issues in cost capitalization, liabilities, and equities; matching; funds flow statements; statement analysis; inflation accounting.
ACCTG 211 – Financial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making (4)
Introduction to the role of accounting numbers in the process of managing a business and in investor decision making.
B A 574 – Business Research (variable)
A project paper, comparable in quality and scope of work to a graduate thesis, on problems of a company.
ACCTG 560 – Accounting and Business Analysis (2)
Develop ability to assess the relation between accounting data in financial statements and the economic fundamentals represented.
MGMT 597D – Managing & Leading/New Economy (1)
Special topics course.