Kathleen A. Riley
Associate Teaching Professor, Management Information Systems
Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 446 Business Building
Phone Number
Email Address
Kathleen A. Riley

Associate Teaching Professor, Management Information Systems
Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 446 Business Building
Phone Number
Email Address
MS, Management Science & Information Systems, The Pennsylvania State University, 1999
BS, Quantitative Business Analysis, The Pennsylvania State University, 1985
Courses Taught
MIS 431 – Bus Data Mgt (3)
Management of data including large, complex sets to support business analytics, strategy, and operations. MIS 431 Business Data Management (3) Business Data Management will enable students to use various database designs to acquire the information needed to make effective business decisions. Successful students will be able to design, create and implement a relational database in MySQL and be able to write SQL statements to obtain information from a database. In addition, students will investigate the next generation approaches for storing, manipulating, and managing web data in unstructured formats. Students will gain an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages among XML, NoSQL, NewSQL, and Relational databases. After completing this course, students should have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be able to: * have an understanding of SQL by retrieving data from a database using SQL * design a database system including an ER Model, and implement the design in an enterprise database application such as MySQL * have an understanding of NoSQL databases such as MongoDB and Graph databases, XML native databases, NewSQL databases and the advantages and disadvantages of these databases
Introduction to Problem Solving with Spreadsheet Analysis and Information Systems Management introduces students to the use of information technologies for business problem solving and decision-making. This course explores the application of spreadsheet engineering concepts and principles of data management, business modeling, and reporting to business problems. Students demonstrate their understanding and mastery of these concepts through their application in examinations, practical lab exercises and assignments. Concepts are contextualized in a broader discussion of information systems management including: data security, ethical issues, social media, distributed (cloud) services, and emerging trends.The structure of this course intends to provide a well-rounded level of competency in the use of spreadsheet software as a tool while exploring problem decomposition and solution planning and construction. Therefore, the focus of the course is on developing problem-solving strategies while gaining insight on the tactical use of spreadsheets.
SCM 399 – Foreign Studies (3)
Courses offered in foreign countries by individual or group instruction.
MIS 301 – Business Analytics (3)
Application of computer-based information systems to support management decision making; basic systems design, data organization, and data processing. A student cannot receive credit toward graduation for both M IS 100 or 100W and M I S 301.
MIS 204 – Intro Mgmt Information Systems (3)
Introduction to Management Information Systems provides an overview of the role of information systems in business process design, the current technologies used for obtaining, storing, securing, and communicating information in support of operations and decision-making within a business organization, as well as, the concepts and principles for developing and using popular spreadsheet and database tools. Applications focus on important problems and issues found in business disciplines, including accounting, finance, marketing, supply chain operations, and general management. The evaluation of students will be based on tests, at least one application project, and hands-on exercises.
MIS 390 – Information Systems Management and Applications (3)
Specification, design and implementation of information systems directed at aiding decision making in organizations.
SCM 840 – Supply Chain Project Management (4)
Supply Chain Project Management for the Online Master of Supply Chain Management Program
MIS 496 – Independent Studies (variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
PSU 006 – First-Year Seminar Business (variable)
Facilitate student's adjustment to the high expectations, demanding workload, increased academic liberties, and other aspects of the transition to college life.
MIS 446 – Information Technology and Business Strategy (3)
Strategic use and management of information technology in digital global economy.
M I S 204 – Introduction to Business Information Systems (2)
Introduction to the use of information systems in business organizations.
M I S 431 – Business Data Management (3)
The architecture of business information processing systems and technical aspects of database management.
M I S 496 – Independent Studies (variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
M I S 432 – Accounting Information Systems (3)
The analysis, design, and development of business information systems through traditional and modern methods.