Karen Page Winterich
Gerald I. Susman Professor in Sustainability and Professor of Marketing
Department Marketing
Office Address 485 Business Building
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Email Address
Karen Page Winterich

Gerald I. Susman Professor in Sustainability and Professor of Marketing
Department Marketing
Office Address 485 Business Building
Phone Number
Email Address
Karen is the Gerald I. Susman Professor in Sustainability and Professor of Marketing. She conducts research in the area of consumer behavior, with much of her work examining how consumers’ social identities influence charitable giving as well as sustainable and im(moral) behavior. Her research is published in Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Marketing, among others. She serves as Co-Editor for the Journal of Marketing Research and is Past President of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association. Karen also enjoys teaching sustainability marketing which she developed as part of Smeal's Sustainability Education Initiatives.
Identity, Sustainability, Prosocial behavior, Unethical behavior, Cultural Differences (Power Distance), Emotions
Ph D, Marketing, The University of Pittsburgh, 2007
BSBA, Information Management and Analysis, Shippensburg University, 2003
Courses Taught
MKTG 442 – Sustain Consumer Behavior (3)
Strategies to influence sustainable behavior considering consumer response and marketing communications. B A 442 Sustainability Behavior of Consumers, Firms, and Societies (3) Sustainability is a broad domain concerning the extent to which environmental, economic, and social practices are viable for current and future generations. Consumer awareness of sustainability issues has evolved from an emerging social movement to mainstream values, but increasing sustainable behavior remains a challenge. This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge to enhance sustainable behaviors in firms, among consumers, and in society at large. In doing so, this course will include frameworks for understanding how to influence sustainable practices, consumer response to sustainability, and marketing communication issues as well as real-world examples of sustainable practices and issues, offering both a theoretical and applied approach. The course may also include a project which will entail student teams working on a real-world sustainable behavior problem in collaboration with a business or segment of the university campus when available or other course project addressing a relevant sustainability issue. Students should leave the course with an understanding of sustainability issues in the current marketplace and the knowledge and ability to influence sustainable behaviors. Students will enter their career with the knowledge and skills to be a sustainable business decision-maker and foster sustainable behavior.
BA 442 – Sustn Consmr Bhvr (3)
Strategies to influence sustainable behavior considering consumer response and marketing communications. B A 442 Sustainability Behavior of Consumers, Firms, and Societies (3) Sustainability is a broad domain concerning the extent to which environmental, economic, and social practices are viable for current and future generations. Consumer awareness of sustainability issues has evolved from an emerging social movement to mainstream values, but increasing sustainable behavior remains a challenge. This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge to enhance sustainable behaviors in firms, among consumers, and in society at large. In doing so, this course will include frameworks for understanding how to influence sustainable practices, consumer response to sustainability, and marketing communication issues as well as real-world examples of sustainable practices and issues, offering both a theoretical and applied approach. The course may also include a project which will entail student teams working on a real-world sustainable behavior problem in collaboration with a business or segment of the university campus when available or other course project addressing a relevant sustainability issue. Students should leave the course with an understanding of sustainability issues in the current marketplace and the knowledge and ability to influence sustainable behaviors. Students will enter their career with the knowledge and skills to be a sustainable business decision-maker and foster sustainable behavior.
MKTG 551 – Theo Persp Buy Beh (3)
Review of marketing and social sciences research related to understanding consumer and market behavior.
B A 442 – Sustainable Behavior of Consumers, Firms, and Societies (3)
Strategies to influence sustainable behavior considering consumer response and marketing communications.
MKTG 494H – Research Project (3)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.
B A 497B – Sustainable Marketing Strategy for Consumers, Firms, and Societies (3)
Sustainability is a broad domain concerning the extent to which environmental,economic, and social practices are vialbe for current and future generations. Consumer awareness of sustainability issues has evolved form an emerging social movement to mainstr
MKTG 422 – Advertising and Sales Promotion Management (3)
Perspectives and models of the key decisions involved in managing advertising and sales promotion campaigns.
Selected Publications
Media Coverage/Mentions: CNN.com, Real Simple and Time Magazines, CNBC ,Quartz, Academic Minute among others, and several radio interviews including NPR Phoenix, BYURadio Matt Townsend Show, Aaron Rand show in Montreal
Media Coverage/mentions: NPR's Hidden Brain, New York Magazine, The Independent (UK)
Winner of SCP Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition as first essay of Saerom Lee’s dissertation.
Media Coverage/mentions: VOX, The University of Chicago Press, Science Daily (4.15.14), HBR Blog Network (4.22.14), The Street (5.15.14),Science Codex (4.15.14)
Media Coverage/mentions: PSU News Release (3.31.14), Daily News
Media Coverage/mentions: Medical Xpress (10.29.13) PSU News Release (10.28.13), PSU News Release (8.25.13)
Media Coverage/mentions: New York Times (12.22.13 ), Marketing News (7.1.13)
Media Coverage/mentions: Superhumanradio Live Interview (3.19.14), Centre Daily Times (2.25.13); Huffington Post; SkinnyChef, Oprah.com, Medical Daily, ScienceDaily, Foodnavigator-USA, FoodProductDesign.com, BattleDiabetes.com, HealthDay News .
Runner-up in the MSI best paper award for the IJRM Special Issue on ConsumerIdentitiesMedia Coverage/mentions: Forbes.com, NPR interview (12.31.12), MSN Money(3.5.13)
Media Coverage/mentions: Time Magazine (8.17.11), Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Oprah.com, Saga Magazine (UK), The Sun (UK), Stone Hearth News, EarthSky.org, Science Daily, World.edu, PSU Newswire (2.17.12), The Tribune, India, The Co-operative Magazine, among others.
Media Coverage/mentions: Time Magazine (3.14.11), AdAge, Fastcompany, Houston Business Journal, Science Daily, ScienceBlog, Korea Business Central, Japan Retail News, 60 Second Marketer, Futurity.org, and Consumer Affairs, among others.
Media Coverage/mentions: PSU News Release (3.29.11)
Media Coverage/mentions: Persuasive Litigator
Media Coverage/mentions: Keene Trial Consulting, The Jury Expert, Persuasive Litigator
• Media Coverage/mentions: AndhraNews.net (India), Asian News International, BizJournals.com, Bright Surf, CosmeticDesign.com, Daily India, EdgeMiami.com, Gaea Times, Houston Business Journal, KBTX.com (College Station, TX) LittleAbout.com, MedIndia.net, MoneyCentral.MSN.com, MSN.com, NewKerala.com, News Guide, NewsTrackIndia.com, Science Daily, SindhToday.net, Taragana.com, Thaindian.com, The Globe and Mail (Canada), TopNews.in, WebIndia123, WestSideStory.net, Yahoo! India, Zopag.com (India), among others.
Media Coverage/Mentions: Biz Journals, Business Week, Christian Science Monitor, Denver Business Journal, Houston Business Journal, Houston Chronicle, KUHF-FM, Macleans.ca, Portland Business Journal, San Jose Business Journal, U.S. News & World Report, among others.
• Media Coverage/Mentions: Chronicle of Philanthropy, Forbes.com, WSJ’s MarketWatch, US News & World Report, Science Daily, ABCNews.com, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Austin American-Statesman, Bio-Medicine.org, Biz Journals, Business Week, Dayton Daily News, Fox28.com (Elkhart, Ind.), Houston Business Journal, MedicineNet.com, MSN.com, MyABC5.com (Des Moines, Iowa), MySunCoast.com (Florida), Nebraska.tv, Newswest9.com (Texas), Pitt County Daily Reflector, PsychCentral, Rocky Mountain Telegram, TelemundoAtlanta.com (Atlanta), KATC.com (Lafayette, La.), KCOY.com (California), KDBC.com, (El Paso, Texas), KESQ.com (Palm Springs, Calif.), U.S. News & World Report, WAOW.com (Wausau, Wis.), WBTV.com (Charlotte, N.C.), WDBJ7.com (Roanoke, Va.), WRCBTV.com (Chattanooga, Tenn.), WVIA.com (Pennsylvania), WXOW.com (La Crosse, Wis), Philantrocapitalism, among others.
Research Impact and Media Mentions
Co-editor for JACR Special Issue on CLIMATE CHANGE: CONSUMER UNDERSTANDING, RESPONSE, AND INTERVENTIONS with Rebecca Walker Reczek and Bryan Bollinger
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research | Volume 8, Issue 3
Guest Associate Editor
Co-editor for JCP Special Issue on Marketplace Morality