Lu Huang

Color portrait of Lu Huang

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 485A Business Building, University Park, PA 16802
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PhD, Business Administration, University of Connecticut, 2020

Courses Taught

MIS 301 – Business Analytics (3)
Application of computer-based information systems to support management decision making; basic systems design, data organization, and data processing. A student cannot receive credit toward graduation for both M IS 100 or 100W and M I S 301.

MIS 446 – It Bus Strat (3)
Provide student with broad understanding of global information systems utilization and management in modern organizations.

BAN 831 – Data Visualization for Bus (3)
Given society's ever-expanding ability to collect and store vast amounts of transactional, performance, and financial data, business analysts and leaders need the capability to recognize patterns in and transform raw data into actionable business intelligence. Designed for recent graduates with little to no professional experience, BAN 831 expands upon the data visualization concepts covered in BAN 830 by exploring a variety of advanced data visualization techniques focused on "big data" sets derived from marketing, finance, accounting, supply chain management, and other business-related scenarios. Using the latest data visualization software applications, business students will focus on the development of dashboards and scorecards useful for translating structured and unstructured business performance data into decision-ready knowledge. The course will prepare business analysts by exploring techniques for visualizing data from sales transactions, social media, marketing surveys, financial records, and other sources in support of fact-based decision making. An emphasis will be placed on the nuances specific to decision making in various business areas. Software packages, concepts, and business applications will vary and evolve to keep pace with technology, theory, and instructor interest.

MIS 479W – Entrprse Info Sys (3)
Management and implementation of enterprise information systems for business integration and supply chain management. MIS 479  Management of Operations Information/ERP ( 3) This course examines enterprise-wide information systems architecture for the business setting and examines current commercial systems, with a special focus on SAP R/3 development tools and techniques. Topics include: - The acquisition, installation and operation of integrated Enterprise Information Systems [EIS], formerly referred to as Enterprise Resource Management [ERP] systems- The strategic decisions regarding approaches business organizations select for the acquisition and integration of EIS components and how executive level support for such endeavors is obtained- The overall management and coordination techniques used in the design, development and implementation of an organization's EIS, including the role that software vendors and other third party's play in the acquisition and implementation of enterprise systems- The coordination and control of multi-party relationships.  Specific analysis and design techniques are taught, including tools and methodologies for analyzing business processes in preparation for implementation of EIS, as well as database and data warehousing requirements.- The methods of determining data communication network requirements- The practical implementation concerns are addressed, such as preparing internal organizational units for migration to a new EIS architecture and to the maintenance and operation of EIS including concerns involving security and control.- The managerial and technical issues involved in the developing and testing of applications and user interfaces and customization of commercial packages.- The career planning issues and ways of obtaining training for specialization and advancement in careers involving EIS. This course will be writing intensive.  As such, student evaluations will consist of, at a minimum: examinations, position papers, case studies (written and oral), and homework assignments. Both individual and group assignments will be used. The objective is to enhance writing ability relevant to students preparing for careers in business. Group report writing, brief technical writing, technical documentation, end-user documentation, and memo writing will be covered.  The major group writing assignments will be required throughout the semester, as well as individual assignments that will be prepared in preparation for the group. Peer assessments and instructor feedback and evaluation will be provided on a regular basis. This is a prescribed course for the M I S major and will be provided in fall and spring semester in sections of nor more than 30 students.

Selected Publications

Yang S., Huang L., Chang X., Zheng H., Ross W., "How do Implausible Tensile Price Claims affect Consumer Perceptions of Deceptiveness and Consumer Willingness to Purchase in Online Environments?”." Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2024
Zhao X., Huang L., Wang L., Yazdani E., Zhang C., "Understanding of the Dynamics of Mobile Reading: An HMM Model of User Engagement and Content Consumption." Production and Operations Management, 2023
Zheng H., Huang L., "Owned Social Media Advertising: Cannibalization and Competition.." Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2022
Zheng H., Huang L., Ross W., "Reducing Obesity by Taxing Soft Drinks: Tax Salience and Firms’ Strategic Responses.." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 2019
Huang L., Liu Y., "Health information and consumer learning in the bottled water market.." International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2017

Honors and Awards