Meg G. Meloy
Professor of Marketing
Department Marketing
Office Address 455 Business Building
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Email Address
Meg G. Meloy

Professor of Marketing
Department Marketing
Office Address 455 Business Building
Phone Number
Email Address
Margaret "Meg" joined the faculty at Penn State in 2002 after having served on the faculty in the Department of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University and the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech. Her research examines consumer and managerial decision making biases and heuristics, with a special emphasis on how preferences are constructed, how moods influence consumer information processing, and how consumers make choices.
Her work has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Operations Management, Management Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Production and Operations Management, and Psychological Science. She currently serves on the Editorial Review Boards for the Journal of Consumer Research and Journal of Consumer Psychology and has served in leadership roles for the Association for Consumer Research (Treasurer: 2013-2014) and the Society for Consumer Psychology (President-Elect (2018-19); President (2019-20); Past-President (2020-21)). She is the David H. McKinley Professor of Business Administration and currently serves as the Department Chair.
Consumer Behavior. Food Marketing, Decision Making Biases and Heuristics, Preference Construction
Ph D, Marketing (Consumer Decision Making), Cornell University, 1996
MS, Applied Economics and Management (Food Marketing), Cornell University, 1987
BS, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (Minor in Economics), The Pennsylvania State University, 1984
Courses Taught
Brands are a potentially valuable asset to firms in Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) markets. Strong brands influence purchase and consumption by communicating value and providing differentiation in the marketplace. Effective brand management is therefore critical to maintaining the long-term profitability of products and services. This course investigates how to create profitable brand strategies by building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Theories and practical tools will address the following questions: how does branding influence purchase and consumption? how can firms build brand equity? how should brand equity be measured and managed over time? how should firms manage brands in a brand portfolio? how can firms leverage brand equity? At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1) explain the fundamental concepts of branding and the role of branding in business; 2) apply branding concepts and analysis tools to managerial decision-making; and, 3) provide real-world examples of challenges and issues in branding.
MKTG 330 – Consumer Behavior (3)
MKTG 494H – Research Project (Variable)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.
MKTG 496 – Indep Studies (Variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
MKTG 541 – Consumer Behavior (2)
Introduce theories and concepts from psychology, sociology, economics, and other disciplines that are useful in understanding and marketing to consumers.
MKTG 596 – Individual Studies (Variable)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
MKTG 597B – Topics in Marketing (3)
This course covers selected topics in Marketing. Students will discuss such topics as brand management, integrated marketing communications, pricing policies, new product marketing, and marketing engineering. The topics may change from year to year. The c
MKTG 551 – Theoretical Perspectives on Buyer Behavior (3)
Review of marketing and social sciences research related to understanding consumer and market behavior.
MKTG 597A – Marketing in Challenging Times (3)
The purpose of this graduate seminar is to investigate special topics in consumer behavior.
B A 303H – Marketing (2)
Introduction to customer behavior and research, service/product development, pricing and promotion in diverse and international marketing contexts.
B A 303 – Marketing (2)
Introduction to customer behavior and research, service/product development, pricing and promotion in diverse and international marketing contexts.
MKTG 494 – Research Project (variable)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.
MKTG 296 – Independent Studies (variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.