James A. Miles

Color portrait of James A. Miles

Emeritus Professor of Finance of Finance

Phone Number 814-863-3565
Email Address mgz@psu.edu

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Professor Miles' co-authored the text "Spin-offs and Equity Carve-outs" published by the Financial Executives Research Foundation. His research is in the areas of corporate finance, investments, and personal financial planning. He recently co-authored an online course about personal financial planning that has had about 600 Penn State students enrolled over several semesters. He hopes to soon make the course available to alumni and other groups. His research on divestitures including spin-offs and equity carve-outs has been cited in the top finance journals and in virtually every major business publication including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, and Money Magazine. His most recent research project measures the investment performance of families of mutual funds and links that performance to family characteristics including focus and level of expenses.


His current research involves issues in investments and personal financial planing.


Ph D, Finance, The Pennsylvania State University, 1980

Courses Taught

FIN 108 – Personal Finance (3)
Personal management of budgets, bank accounts, loans, credit buying, insurance, real estate and security buying. May not be used to satisfy Smeal College baccalaureate degree requirements.

FIN 408 – Fin Mrkts and Insts (3)
Functional analysis of major credit institutions; sources and uses of funds; impact of government regulation.

FIN 531 – Financial Management (3)
An intensive examination of techniques available to aid the financial manager in decision making.

FIN 494H – Research Projects (3)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.

FIN 408H – Financial Markets and Institutions (Honors) (3)
Introduction to bonds, equities, derivatives, and financial institutions including insurance, pension funds and mutual funds.

FIN 496 – Independent Studies (variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

FIN 397A – Personal Financial Planning for New College Graduates (1)
Personal financial issues including investing, 401K plans, company retirement plans, IRAs, mutual funds, insurance.

FIN 405H – Advanced Financial Management (3)
An examination of the development and application of decision rules for major long-term financial and investment problems of the firm.

FIN 405 – Advanced Financial Management (3)
An examination of the development and application of decision rules for major long-term financial and investment problems of the firm.

FIN 553 – Financial Modeling (1)
Develops technical financial modeling skills applying spreadsheets and simulation modeling software.

Honors and Awards