Michael J. Tyworth

Color portrait of Michael J. Tyworth

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 440 Business Building
Phone Number 814-865-2224
Email Address mjt241@psu.edu

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Organizational identity, organizational and social informatics, computer mediated communication and information security


Ph D, Information Sciences & Technology (Social & Organizational Informatics), The Pennsylvania State University, 2009

Masters of Information Science, Information Science, Indiana University, 2004

BS, Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University, 1992

Courses Taught

BA 840 – BUS DATA MGMT (3)
Business Data Management will enable students to use various database designs to acquire the information needed to make effective business decisions. Successful students will be able to design, create, and implement a relational database and be able to write SQL statements to obtain information from a database. In addition, students will investigate the next generation approaches for storing, manipulating, and managing web data in unstructured formats. Students will gain an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages among XML, NoSQL, NewSQL, and Relational databases. After successfully completing this course, students will have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to:- structure a database, configure it, perform analysis within it, and report from it- have adequate understanding of SQL to retrieve data from a database using SQL query language- design a database system including an ER Model and a UML class diagram, and implement the design in an enterprise databaseapplication- understand NoSQL databases, XML native databases, NewSQL databases, and the advantages and disadvantages of thesedatabases.

PSU 006 – Bus 1st-Yr Smr (1)
Facilitate student's adjustment to the high expectations, demanding workload, increased academic liberties, and other aspects of the transition to college life. PSU 006 First Year Seminar in Business Administration (1-3 credits) This course is designed to assist students in examining several areas of the college transition: awareness of self and others; career exploration; majors offered in the Smeal College; and current issues in business. The skills learned in this course will be presented as life-long skills, applicable in the university setting and the corporate environment. The nature of the course requires cooperation, participation, and interaction. This course facilitates learning through experience, lectures and class discussion.The course contains assignments dealing with: 1). Leadership 2). Ethics 3). Celebrating Diversity 4). Diversity in the Workplace 5). Community Service 6). Major and Career Exploration 7). Time Management and Goal Setting 8). Business Case Study

MIS 446 – It Bus Strat (3)
Provide student with broad understanding of global information systems utilization and management in modern organizations.

MIS 204 – Intro Bus Inf Sys (3)
Introduction to the use of information systems in business organizations. MIS 204 Introduction to Business Information Systems (3) Introduction to Business Information Systems is an applications-oriented course that provides an overview of (1) the role of information systems in business process design, (2) the current technologies used for obtaining, storing, and communicating information in support of operations and decision-making within a business organization, and (3) the concepts and principles for programming, developing, and using popular spreadsheet and database tools. Applications focus on important problems and issues found in business disciplines, including accounting, finance, marketing, supply chain operations, and general management.The evaluation of students will be based on tests, programming projects, and hands-on exercises. This course is a prescribed course for Smeal Business students. M I S 204 will be offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters, and enrollment per annum of approximately 1, 200 students.

SCM 494H – Research Project (Variable)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.

MGMT 301 – Basic Management Concepts (3)
Study of fundamental principles and processes available to the understanding of management. Not available to students who have taken B A 304.

MGMT 100 – Survey of Management (3)
Introduction to organizational factors relevant to management processes, including leadership, motivation, job design, technology, organizational design and environments, systems, change. May not be used to satisfy Penn State Business baccalaureate degree

Selected Publications

Fedorowicz J., Sawyer S., Williams C. B., Markus M. L., Dias M., Tyworth M. J., Gantman S., Jacobson D., Tomasino A. P., Schrier R., "Design observations for interagency collaboration." Government Information Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 2, 2014, pp. 302-316, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0740624X14000057
Tyworth M. J., "Organizational Identity and Information Systems: How Organizational ICT Reflect Who an Organization Is." European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 23, no. 1, 2014, pp. 69-83
Tyworth M. J., Giacobe N., Mancuso V. F., McNeese M. D., Hall D. L., "A human-in-the-loop approach to understanding situation awareness in cyber defence analysis." ICST Transactions, vol. 13, no. 2, 2013
Sawyer S., Schrier R., Fedorowicz J., Dias M., Williams C., Tyworth M., "U.S. public safety networks: Architectural patterns and performance." Information Polity: The International Journal of Government & Democracy in the Information Age, vol. 18, no. 2, 2013, pp. 139-156, ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/login?url=search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=88057113&site=ehost-live
Tyworth M. J., Giacobe N., Mancuso V., Dancy C., McMillan E., "Cyber Situation Awareness as Distributed Socio-Cognitive Work." 2012
Sawyer S., Fedorowicz J., Williams C. B., Schrier R., Dias M. A., Tyworth M. J., "Architectural Patterns of U.S. Public Safety Networks: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparison Analysis." 2012, pp. 49-57
Mancuso V., Minotra D., McNaughton D. B., Tyworth M. J., "idsNETS: An Experimental Platform to Study Situation Awareness for Intrusion Detection Analysts." 2012, pp. 73-79
McMillan E., Tyworth M. J., "An Alternative Framework for Research on Situational Awareness in Computer Network Defense." (IGI Global), 2012, pp. 71-85
Tyworth M. J., Giacobe N., Mancuso V., Dancy C., "The Distributed Nature of Cyber Situation Awareness." 2012, pp. 49-57
Fedorowicz J., Sawyer S., Williams C. B., Markus M. L., Tyworth M. J., Jacobxon D., Gantman S., Dias M. A., Tomasino A., "Design Observations Regarding Public Safety Networks." 2011, pp. 272-281
Williams C. B., Dias M., Fedorowicz J., Jacobson D., Vilvovsky S., Sawyer S., Tyworth M. J., "The formation of inter-organizational information sharing networks in public safety: Cartographic insights on rational choice and institutional explanations." Information Polity: The International Journal of Government & Democracy in the Information Age, vol. 14, 2009, pp. 13-29, ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/login?url=search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&AN=37923136&site=ehost-live
Tyworth M. J., Sawyer S., "Organic Development: A Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach to Design of Public Sector Information Systems." 2006, pp. 47-18
Fedorowicz J., Markus M. L., Sawyer S., Tyworth M. J., Williams C. B., "Design Principles for Public Safety Response Mobilization." 2006
Tyworth M. J., Sawyer S., "Organic Development: A Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach to Design of Public Sector Information Systems." 2006
Sawyer S., Tyworth M. J., "Social Informatics: Principles, Theory, and Practice." 2006, pp. 49-62
Herring S. C., Kouper I., Paolillo J. C., Scheidt L. A., Tyworth M. J., Welsch P., Wright E., Yu N., "Conversations in the Blogosphere: An Analysis "from the bottom up"." 2005, pp. 107b

Honors and Awards