Menglong Guan

Color portrait of Menglong Guan

Assistant Professor of Business Economics

Department Risk Management
Office Address 305 Business Building
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Courses Taught

This course discusses topics in advanced microeconomic analysis with an emphasis on applications to applied research areas inbusiness and other related disciplines. Topics include (but are not limited to) general equilibrium, choice under uncertainty, gametheory, mechanism design, and behavioral economics. An area of particular focus is how incomplete and asymmetric informationimpacts competitive and strategic behavior by individuals and firms in a variety of applied settings.The materials emphasize theoretical models prevalent in microeconomic research, and students are expected to develop afamiliarity with the use of mathematical modeling in economics. Whenever possible applications to related applied disciplines suchas those in finance, supply chain management, accounting, and agricultural economics will be highlighted and discussed.Experimental methods will be used at times to motivate and discuss various economic principles.

BA 832 – Global Business Environment (1)
An introduction to worldwide economic trends and economic problems with an emphasis on how businesses cope with global business problems. B A 532 Global Business Environment (1)Changes in interest rates, swings in the business cycle, new international trade agreements: all are macroeconomic events, and all can dramatically impact your business. Institutional constraints, as well as theory, and history guide present day macroeconomic analysis and policy. Accordingly, the class is a synthesis of institutional, theoretical, and historical perspectives. A wealth of macroeconomic information and data is now available on the web for those who know how to access the interpret it. We will make extensive use of this material.

BA 545 – Bus Gov Int'L Econ (2)
Understand how macroeconomic events and policies affect the global economy and business decisions. B A 545 Business, Government and International Economics (2)Changes in interest rates, swings in the business cycle, new international trade agreements: All are macroeconomic events, and all can dramatically impact business. Accordingly the class is a synthesis of institutional, theoretical and historical perspectives.

Honors and Awards