Nancy L. McClure
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department Accounting
Office Address 307 Business Building
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Nancy L. McClure
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department Accounting
Office Address 307 Business Building
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Email Address
Professor Nancy McClure has taught a broad spectrum of accounting and business courses at the Penn State University, including financial and managerial accounting, auditing, taxation, commercial banking, and business and industry analysis. She is currently the instructor for Smeal College’s capstone course, which is delivered to 1,800 students each year.
Nancy specializes in entrepreneurship with a focus on sustainability and social ventures. She was awarded Smeal College’s 2017 faculty sustainability award for the advancement of the teaching of sustainability and applied learning opportunities for students.
Nancy founded the Consurgo Initiative at Penn State, which provides Smeal students with an opportunity to develop business plans in partnership with entrepreneurs in lesser developed countries. At the conclusion of each semester, student teams present their business plans to a panel of executive judges in the Lion’s Cage, a Shark Tank type competition. The Consurgo Initiative has launched sustainable small businesses in Guatemala and Haiti.
Accounting and Entrepreneurship.
MA, Accounting, The Pennsylvania State University, 1987
Courses Taught
BA 411 – Analyz Bus Ind (3)
Prepares students to obtain an enterprise-wide view of business and industry by integrating operational and financial decisions in a team and learning environment. B A 411B A 411 Analyzing Business and Industry (3) The course provides the students with a methodology for analyzing the business, introduces the students to sources of financial information available from private and public sources and trains the student to prepare and professionally present business analysis reports. The course, which adopts a user perspective, extends the students' basic knowledge of financial reporting and provides them with a broader context for understanding business that includes economic and social forces, the regulatory environment of businesses and their financial reporting, capital market operations and corporate governance. It applies concepts and decision tools that are studied throughout the curriculum such as present value, financial ratio analysis, break-even point analysis and statistical analysis.
ACCTG 399 – Foreign Studies (2)
Courses offered in foreign countries by individual or group instruction.
ACCTG 397 – Special Topics (1)
Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject that may be topical or of special interest.
ACCTG 404 – Managerial Acctg (3)
Accounting techniques as planning, control, and motivating devices in business and other organizations; accounting data for decision making and performance evaluation. ACCTG 404 Managerial Accounting (3) This course emphasizes the use of accounting information for internal purposes as opposed to the external disclosure focus of the financial accounting course. The cost covers the vocabulary and mechanics of cost accounting and the design of management accounting systems for planning and controlling operations, and for motivating personnel. The course integrates accounting with ideas from data analysis, decision analysis, finance, microeconomics, and operations management. The themes stressed throughout the course will be the notion that information is costly; the circumstances that necessitate cost allocation, the idea that different costs and different allocation schemes apply for different purposes; and fundamentals of incentive and compensation plans. Among the topics covered are cost behavior, cost-volume analysis, relevant costs, and the use of cost information for decision making. The course will rely on lectures and discussion of case studies.
B A 411 – Analyzing Business and Industry (3)
Prepares students to obtain an enterprise-wide view of business and industry by integrating operational and financial decisions in a team and learning environment.
B A 496 – Independent Studies
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
ACCTG 496 – Independent Studies (variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
ACCTG 472 – Intermediate Financial Accounting II (3)
Off-balance-sheet financing; special issues in cost capitalization, liabilities, and equities; matching; funds flow statements; statement analysis; inflation accounting.
ACCTG 471 – Intermediate Financial Accounting I (3)
Theory and practice issues in income concepts and value measurement; GAAP; revenues, costs, assets, liabilities, and equities. Students may not receive credit for both ACCTG 150 and 471.
ACCTG 211 – Financial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making (4)
Introduction to the role of accounting numbers in the process of managing a business and in investor decision making.
ACCTG 403W – Auditing (3)
Financial, compliance, internal, and operational audits; standards and procedures; sampling; EDP auditing; professional issues; application of concepts through written responses.
FIN 412 – Commercial Bank Management (3)
Fundamental principles underlying management of a commercial bank; capital funds; asset and liability management; value maximization; legal and operational constraints.