Norman A. Aggon
Associate Teaching Professor
Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 424 Business Building
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Norman A. Aggon

Associate Teaching Professor
Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 424 Business Building
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Email Address
MBA, James Madison University, 1981
Courses Taught
SCM 800 – Supply Chain Management (3)
Introduction to the strategic framework, issues, and methods for integrating supply and demand management within and across companies. SCM 800 Supply Chain Management (4) SCM 800 provides an enhanced understanding of key principles, concepts, and methodologies for effective supply chain management. Supply chain management is the integration of core business processes from the end user through original suppliers that provides products, services and information that add value for customers. The systems viewpoint and a process orientation are explored at the firm level and from the perspective of inter-firm collaboration among participants in supply chains. Case studies explore supply chain management and its critical role in business. The course provides opportunities to investigate important topics such as the bullwhip effect, the key approaches to planning and managing inventory across supply chains, the creation of value through alignment and realignment of supply chain capabilities, and the key supply chain performance metrics.After completing this course, students should have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to:a. Articulate the essential principles and concepts of the supply chain approach b. Understand the potential role of supply chains in creating value and in sustaining competitive positions of firms c. Explain the impact of the bullwhip effect on supply chain performance d. Understand the underlying causes of the bullwhip effect and articulate the principal approaches to ameliorating its impacts on supply chain performance e. Articulate differences in the principal approaches to managing inventories across supply chains f. Articulate the principal benefits and challenges associated with collaborative approaches to supply chain management g. Understand the principal metrics used to manage supply chain performanceThe evaluation of students is based on small group case study submissions, short paper and problem assignments, on-line discussion postings, and peer reviews.
SCM 850 – Supply Chain Design & Strategy (3)
Design and management of supply chain networks, emphasizing the alignment of supply chain networks with corporate competitive strategy. SCM 850 Supply Chain Design and Strategy (4) The focus of this course is the strategic design of supply chain networks. Supply chain design decisions have extraordinary impact on the cost and service value attributes of a product or service over its lifetime. The influence of supply chain design on a firm's profitability and competitive positioning is one reason why competition today extends beyond firm versus firm to supply chain versus supply chain. Supply chain design decisions are among the most financially influential and long lasting business decisions and yet, supply chain designs should not be static. Ever increasing customer requirements, expanding product lines and customer segments, decreasing product life cycles, and competitive pressures enabled by a growing range of flexible supply chain design constantly force supply chain executives to evaluate and modify their current supply chain networks and the role of the supply chain in their firm's overall strategy.This course provides an examination of (1) the role of supply chain network design within the context of the firm's competitive strategy, (2) alternative supply chain designs and the factors that influence network design decisions, (3) a framework for the network design process, and (4) the principal models and techniques used for the design of supply chain networks.After completing this course, students should have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to:1. Explain the importance of achieving strategic fit between a firm's competitive strategy and the design of the firm's supply chain network. 2. Describe the basic decision making framework for achieving strategic fit. 3. Identify the key questions in network design for supply chains 4. Identify the principal supply chain network design alternatives 5. Enumerate the principal factors influencing choices among alternative supply chain designs 6. Present a framework for the supply chain network design process 7. Examine the principal models and techniques used for making network design decisions 8. Consider the influence of demand and supply uncertainties on network design choicesEvaluation of students is based on individual and team case study submissions, a culminating simulation exercise, on-line discussion postings, and peer reviews.This course is prescribed for the on-line Master of Professional Studies in Supply Chain Management (MPS/SCM) and its taken in the second year of study, building on the supply chain knowledge, skills and abilities developed in previous foundation courses.
SCM 801 – Perf Metrics & Fin Analysis (3)
Performance metrics are essential for effective planning and management of supply chain operations. Clear understanding of the relationship between supply chain decisions/initiatives and the firm's primary financial measures is an increasingly important competency for all supply chain managers. SCM 801 provides professional-level coverage of essential supply chain performance and financial metrics applied both within the firm and across the extended enterprise. The course helps students develop the ability to choose and utilize the correct set of performance and financial metrics for varying supply chain decision-making situations. Students learn how to leverage key supply chain decision variables to impact performance and financial metrics. Students also learn to apply appropriate accounting tools and techniques and conduct financial analyses to evaluate and optimize supply chain decisions. Topics addressed include inventory and financial metrics, measures of supply chain velocity, working capital, ratio analysis, the Strategic Profit Model, total cost of ownership, the Balanced Scorecard, and the SCOR Model.Additionally, the course will utilize various financial tools and techniques (such as Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, Ratio Analysis, Breakeven Point Analysis, and Cost Volume Profit Analysis) to demonstrate the impact of supply chain principles and concepts on the performance of a firm.Students successfully completing the course will be able to:- Identify, describe, and measure the essential metrics that are the key indicators of supply chain performance, particularly as that performance relates to financial performance of the firm and the extended enterprise- Identify and assess the perspectives of alternative stakeholders that analyze and use financial metrics and statements- Utilize various tools/models (working capital evaluation, ratio analysis, etc.) to calculate, analyze, and gain better insights on the interplay between supply chain decision making and financial performance- Utilize discounted cash flow models to evaluate supply chain investment proposals- Describe the role of supply chain costs on the income statement and balance sheet of a firm while understanding different types of costs, cost drivers, and breakeven point evaluation (BEP)- Demonstrate understanding of how the sales and operations plan is developed and its role in supply chain processes- Compare various viewpoints regarding performance metrics and the constraints that inhibit effective implementation and utilization of those metrics
SCM 399 – Foreign Studies (3)
Courses offered in foreign countries by individual or group instruction.
SCM 450W – Design and Mgt Sc (3)
Strategic design and management of supply chains. SCM 450W Strategic Design and Management of Supply Chains (3) This course is about the strategic design and effective operation of supply chains. It will help prepare you for supply chain management positions in manufacturing, distributing, and other service firms including providers of logistics services. The course focuses on the definition, as well as the application, of a single logic that guides the management of all the supply chain activities. Information decision support systems, primarily computer-based, provide the foundation for this logic. Because the determination of inventory locations and the control of inventory levels play a key role in this logic, we spend considerable time on these subjects. The last section of the course covers ways to lead and organize people to manage cross-firm and cross-functional relationships effectively. After completing this course, students should have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to: -Articulate the process perspective and the total systems view of supply chain management, the impact of systems thinking on firm performance, and the nature of relationships supply chain networks. -Quantify the effect of strategic initiatives such as postponement and risk pooling on the financial performance of the firm, as well as on supply chain performance. -Use and apply selected quantitative tools useful in implementing supply chain strategies. -Explain the complex nature of human interaction needed to successfully introduce supply chain concepts in the firm.This is the prescribed capstone course for the Supply Chain and Information Systems major. It builds upon the fundamental supply chain knowledge, skills, and abilities developed in foundation and intermediate courses. Students must complete SCM 421 before taking this course. SCM 450W is a writing-intensive course. In addition to written assignments encompassing case studies, hands-on exercises, and examinations, student evaluations include oral presentations and class participation.
SCM 450 – Design and Mgt Sc (3)
Strategic design and management of supply chains. SCM 450W Strategic Design and Management of Supply Chains (3) This course is about the strategic design and effective operation of supply chains. It will help prepare you for supply chain management positions in manufacturing, distributing, and other service firms including providers of logistics services. The course focuses on the definition, as well as the application, of a single logic that guides the management of all the supply chain activities. Information decision support systems, primarily computer-based, provide the foundation for this logic. Because the determination of inventory locations and the control of inventory levels play a key role in this logic, we spend considerable time on these subjects. The last section of the course covers ways to lead and organize people to manage cross-firm and cross-functional relationships effectively. After completing this course, students should have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to: -Articulate the process perspective and the total systems view of supply chain management, the impact of systems thinking on firm performance, and the nature of relationships supply chain networks. -Quantify the effect of strategic initiatives such as postponement and risk pooling on the financial performance of the firm, as well as on supply chain performance. -Use and apply selected quantitative tools useful in implementing supply chain strategies. -Explain the complex nature of human interaction needed to successfully introduce supply chain concepts in the firm.This is the prescribed capstone course for the Supply Chain and Information Systems major. It builds upon the fundamental supply chain knowledge, skills, and abilities developed in foundation and intermediate courses. Students must complete SCM 421 before taking this course. SCM 450W is a writing-intensive course. In addition to written assignments encompassing case studies, hands-on exercises, and examinations, student evaluations include oral presentations and class participation.
SCM 597E – Supply Chain Financials (1)
Formal courses given on a topical or special interest subject which may beoffered infrequently; several different topics may be tuaght in one year orsemester.
SCM 301 – Supply Chain Management (3)
Supply chain management concepts, principles, and methodologies.
B A 302 – Supply Chains (2)
Introduction to key elements and strategic importance of supply chain networks.
QMM 491 – Introduction to Business Concepts for Manufacturing (3)
Introduction to business, topics in marketing, accounting, and finance for nonbusiness students in manufacturing management.
MIS 204 – Introduction to Business Information Systems (3)
Introduction to the use of information systems in business organizations.
PSU 006 – First-Year Seminar Business (variable)
Facilitate student's adjustment to the high expectations, demanding workload, increased academic liberties, and other aspects of the transition to college life.
MIS 297S – First Year Seminar in Business Information Systems (3)
The course introduces the role of information systems in business organizations while assisting students in adjusting to college life.
B A 302H – Supply Chains (2)
Introduction to key elements and strategic importance of supply chain networks.
SCM 496 – Independent Studies (variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, that are supervised on an individual basis and that fall outside the scope of formal courses.
M I S 204 – Introduction to Business Information Systems (2)
Introduction to the use of information systems in business organizations.
B LOG 425W – Management of Logistics Supply Chains (3)
Issues and practices with respect to technology adoption, change management, financial/capability assessment, and relationship management in supply chain networks.
SC&IS 450 – Strategic Design and Management of Supply Chains (3)
Strategic design and management of supply chains, with emphasis on managing inventory, capacity, and cross-firm/cross-functional relationships.
OISM 496 – Independent Studies (variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
MS&IS 391 – Introduction to Management Science and Information Systems (2)
Introduction to the quantitative solution of business problems in modern decision support systems.