Özge Pala

Color portrait of Özge Pala

Assistant Teaching Professor, Instructor

Department Management and Organization

Phone Number 814-863-2384
Email Address oup55@psu.edu

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Ph D, Management Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2008

MS, Tilburg University, 1998

BA, Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, 1997

Courses Taught

BA 804 – Ethical Leadership (2)
The objective of the ethical leadership course is to raise awareness of the key role played as a manager and leader in creating and maintaining responsible business conduct in work groups and organizations. The course is also intended to enhance the student's ability to deal with the complexities of ethical decision making in today's dynamic business environment by clarifying and applying personal values.

MGMT 494H – Research Project (Variable)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.

BA 342 – Res/Sustn/Ethc Bus (3)
Course examines actions taken by corporations that impact global citizenship, environmental sustainability, and the economic stability of international societies. It further looks at relationships, rights, and responsibilities between businesses, business decision-makers and their stakeholders. B A 342 Socially Responsible, Sustainable and Ethical Business Practice (3) Businesses and other large organizations have come to influence nearly all aspects of life in contemporary industrialized societies. The actions taken by businesspeople have major impacts on individuals and on society as a whole. Conversely, the expectations of citizens and their representative bodies (e.g., governments, communities, unions, interest groups) influence a wide range of corporate actions. Students of B A 342 will examine these relationships, rights, and responsibilities between businesses, business decision-makers and their stakeholders. As students enter their field of study, this course will introduced them to current ethical, social responsibility and sustainability issues that face business practitioners within their field and across related disciplines. Each business function – accounting, finance, marketing, risk, supply chain, human resource policies, etc. – has relationships and responsibilities within the larger social environment. This course considers commonalities across the business functions and teaches students to think broadly about how a business fits into a more complex web of relationships within society. The course begins with an overview of the corporation’s place and role in society as well as key concepts in understanding why knowledge related to corporate governance, ethics, sustainability and social responsibility issues is critical to professional managers’ responsibility and long-term career success. The stakeholder model is reviewed along with the study and application of ethical decision-making frameworks to current ethical dilemmas. Sustainability and global responsibility are introduced within the context of government regulation versus responsible stewardship. The closing section of the course provides thought and discussion on issues facing business practitioners across key business functions.

MGMT 301H – Honors Mgmt (3)
Study of fundamental principles and processes applicable to the understanding of management.

MGMT 451W – Bus Eth and Soc (3)
Advanced examination of social, ethical, legal, economic, equity, environmental, public policy, and political influences on managerial DECISIONS AND STRATEGIES. MGMT 451W Business, Ethics, and Society (3) Focuses on the knowledge, skills, and perspectives that a manager must have in order to deal with the social, legal, ethical, and political demands in society. Ecological, ethical, and public policy dimensions of various managerial decisions are examined.

Overview of concepts, applications, and research on group and team processes and performance in an organizational context.This course provides students with an understanding of team processes and performance as well as other current issues that affect interpersonal dynamics in the workplace. This course provides an overview of the concepts of groups and teams as related to process and performance in organization. The course will blend theory, research, and practice to enable students to create, manage, and participate in teams more effectively. Broad topic areas include team design, context, and process. Specific areas of focus include learning orientation; group process skills; managing emotions, diversity, and conflict in groups; various workplace teams (e.g., virtual, cross-functional); and designing effective teams.

MGMT 301 – Basic Mgmt Concept (3)
MGMT 301 exposes undergraduate students to the fundamental principles and basic concepts of management, with emphasis on organizational design, management processes, leadership, motivation, and managing teams and individuals in a global business environment. Understanding these principles and concepts is extremely important for students preparing for and entering the business profession. Managers plan, organize, lead, and control. These functions provide a foundation for MGMT 301 and are included in all course topics and modules. Typical modules include: An Overview of Management; Strategy and Structure; Organizational Behavior; and Group/Organizational Dynamics.The overview of management focuses on the manager's role and function, decision making, ethics, and managerial oversight. Topics covered in a strategy and structure module will include culture, environmental influences, strategy, organizational structure, globalization, and innovation. Organizational Behavior focuses on how decision making is influenced by various stakeholders who have formal and informal authority and control in a business. What motivates individuals and who are leaders in an organization is discussed along with group dynamics. Understanding team processes, conflict, adaptation to change, and various levels of group and one-on-one communication is important and will be covered by reviewing traditional management strategies and structures along with discussions on current and evolving management issues.Students may earn credit towards graduation for only one of the following; BA 304, MGMT 301, MGMT 301H, or MGMT 301W.

MGMT 326 – Org Beh and Design (3)
Concepts, theories, and methods of managing people and designing organizations. MGMT 326 Organizational Behavior and Design (3) This introductory course covers the concepts, theories, and methods of managing people and designing organizations. Issues and challenges of managing at different organizational levels (individual, group, project, and total organization) are discussed and illustrated with real-world examples. Students learn about the latest means of designing high-performing organizations, including how to change an organization. This course will serve as a foundation for taking advanced management courses. The primary method of evaluation is an examination after each of the four major parts of the course, but class participation and short papers may also be used for evaluation.

MGMT 451 – Bus Eth and Soc (3)
Advanced examination of social, ethical, legal, economic, equity, environmental, public policy, and political influences on managerial DECISIONS AND STRATEGIES. MGMT 451W Business, Ethics, and Society (3) Focuses on the knowledge, skills, and perspectives that a manager must have in order to deal with the social, legal, ethical, and political demands in society. Ecological, ethical, and public policy dimensions of various managerial decisions are examined.

Selected Publications

Eury J., Pala, "Created for Us by Us: A Holistic Annual Review Process of the Teaching Effectiveness of Nontenure-Line Faculty." Journal of Faculty Development, vol. 38, no. 2, 2023, pp. 29-37
Pala, "Pay-for-performance plans. Discussant’s comments." Systems Research and Behavioral Science, vol. 32, no. 4, 2015, pp. 481=484, doi:10.1002/sres.2339
Pala, "Causal loop diagrams as a de-escalation technique." Journal of Operational Research Society, vol. 66, no. 4, 2015, doi:10.1057/jors.2014.24
Pala, "Effect of system dynamics education on systems thinking inventory task performance." System Dynamics Review, vol. 21, no. 2, 2005, pp. 147-172
Pala, "Validation in SSM: Neglected Areas." Journal of Operational Research Society, vol. 54, no. 7, 2003


Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Co-Editor, January 2015
Special Issue: Health, Demographic Change and Well-Being: The European Union's Horizon 2020 Program and System Dynamics

Honors and Awards

2023 Early Career Award for Teaching Excellence, Smeal College of Business, (Jan 1, 2023)