Peter Mhando

Color portrait of Peter Mhando

Associate Teaching Professor of International Business and International Affairs

Department Risk Management
Office Address 315 Business Building
Phone Number 814-865-0611
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Accomplished Economics, Finance and Management professional with cross-functional expertise as a Seasoned Research Analyst proficient in data and information management for policy analysis and decision-making. Areas of expertise extend from Development Finance, Public-Private Investments Promotion, Institutional Research, Policy Analysis, Project Management, International Business, to Executive Training.


My principal research interests lie in the interaction of multiple fields, broadly categorized under economics, finance and management. I thus examine themes through multi-disciplinary lenses, with particular interest in theories and evolving research methods, specifically in International business and International development.

My work broadly examines the influence of contexts on international business environment and I am specifically, interested in the analysis of 21st century international business operations and the interaction between economic development and business growth.

My lines of inquiry generally explore how businesses in emerging economies evolve and contribute to societal well-being. My work examines data and information, management for policy analysis and decision-making to augment knowledge, skills, know-how and productive aptitudes. It extends from the generation of breadth and depth of knowledge base and the diffusion of knowledge, to probing new technologies and applications as well as resource management. The other line of inquiry explores the contributions of contextual and individual factors in developing economies pertinent to their potential and at capturing global opportunities. One of my current focal interests is related to “informal” sector, in which I apply multi-disciplinary lenses to the study of international business operations emerging from predominantly informal context, across emerging economies.


Ph D, Education Finance (Education Leadership), The Pennsylvania State University, 2015

MA, Economics & Finance, Binghamton University, 1995

BA, Economics (Industrial Economics), University of Dar es Salaam, 1986

Courses Taught

BA 835 – Global Perspective (2)
An overview of the global business environment.

BA 897 – Special Topics (1)
Formal courses given on a topical or special interest subject with a professional orientation that may be offered infrequently.

IB 403 – I B and Natl Polcies (3)
Evaluation of national economic policies in the light of international economic theory; their impacts on operations of the international business firm. IB 403 International Business and National Policies (3) IB 403 integrates macro and micro analyses of the dynamics between international businesses/ multinational enterprises (MNES) and national Governments. Students who successfully complete IB 403 will acquire knowledge of and tools to understand, analyze and evaluate actions, theories and philosophies that influence home and host Government policies, the roles businesses play in shaping, these policies, and how policies and other factors shape competitive strategies of international business firms in the areas of trade, investment and other international economic activities. * Theories, Models and Policies - Country-based advantages Imperfect Competition, Barriers to Entry and Strategic Trade Policy * Competitive Analysis: Product Life Cycle and Porter Models * Integrating Market and Non-Market Strategy * Manipulating and Managing External Stakeholders Across Borders * Transitional Economies: Opportunities, Risks and Strategies * Strategies for Successful Foreign Direct Investment in China * Evaluating Opportunities and Risks in Global Industries * Privatization of Telecommunications * Economic Integration: the Case of Europe * Industrial Policy, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth * Foreign Market Entry Strategies for Regulated Industries * Industrial Policy and International Competition * International Competition in Services Industries * Update on U.S. and EU policies in the Airline Industry and Impacts on Industry Structure and Firm Strategy.

IB 470 – Intl Dev In Africa (3)
This course looks at international development from an African perspective and discusses the prospects for African economic growth in the 21st Century. With an understanding of historical events that have shaped the political and social landscape of modern day Africa, the economic potential of African nations will be discussed in detail. Utilizing success stories, the course introduces economic, business, social, and political issues that confront developing countries in Africa, along with solutions that have been proposed or are in use to address various development challenges. This course will provide students with the opportunity to learn first-hand about international development issues. It will introduce students to definitions of international development terms, data on international development, measures of development and development indices, as well as leading issues in International development.Using an interdisciplinary approach, the course explores some of the key development issues in sub-Saharan Africa, examines empirical findings to better understand Africa and its nations, and reviews the prospects for successful international business in this emerging growth market. Cases studies focus on successful economic growth that have emerged out of Africa and what how these successes are laying the groundwork for future international business opportunities. As such, the various components of the course are designed to promote the student's abilities to:-Describe and analyze social, economic, political elements that influence development in African countries. Students will learn that development problems, while often measured in economic terms, are multi-faceted and interrelated, thereby learn to appreciate that meaningful analysis and problem solving in international development must include different components.-Identify and analyze specific global issues, illustrating the social, economic and political context that may affect their resolution. Students will have the opportunity to experience the different facets of international development and participate, in a limited way, in efforts to address the issues.

IB 496 – Indep Studies (Variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

IB 303 – Intnatl Bus Oper (3)
A survey of the major aspects of international business environment and operations with an emphasis on the cultural dimension. I B 303 International Business Operations (3) (IL) International business is important and necessary because economic isolationism has become impossible. Failure to become a part of the global market assures a nation of declining economic influence and deteriorating standards of living for its citizens. International business therefore presents more opportunities for expansion, growth, and income than does domestic business alone. This course will cover the major aspects of international business environment and operations with emphasis on its impact on the local businesses in your state. In other words, in this course you will learn why international business differs from domestic business, economic theories on international trade, and how managers deal with the uncontrollable forces such as cultural differences of international environment. In this course you will develop a global perspective through studying the impact of other countries and their peoples on society and develop skills that will enable you to interact effectively in an interdependent global community.

IB 460 – Intl Bus Emerg Ntn (3)
An overview of international business strategies and economic environments of emerging nations with a specific focus on markets in China, India, and Southeast Asia.

BA 836 – Global Immersion (1)
Exploration of the opportunities and the challenges of doing business in another economic region. B A 536 Global Immersion (2)Global Immersion is designed around a visit to another economic region. In the past. MBA students have visited such countries as Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Czech Republic, France, Ireland, Turkey, and Singapore. In each country, students visit both local and multinational businesses to understand how a business gets established and run in another country; students also meet with industry and government officials to get their perspectives on the economic policies of the country. Each Immersion is coordinated by a faculty leader who plans the visit so as to appeal to a wide range of student interests.

AGBM 338 – Global Agribus (3)
Managing agribusinesses in the global food industry, international food product marketing, key public institution and policies affecting food trade.

IB 497 – Special Topics (3)

RM 494H – Research Project (3)

I B 303 – International Business Operations (3)
A survey of the major aspects of international business environment and operations with an emphasis on the cultural dimension.

I B 403 – International Business and National Policies (3)
Evaluation of national economic policies in the light of international economic theory; their impacts on operations of the international business firm.

I B 496 – Independent Studies (3)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

I B 460 – International Business in Emerging Nations (3)
An overview of international business strategies and economic environments of emerging nations with a specific focus on markets in China, India, and Southeast Asia.

I B 497A – International Development in African Context (3)
Course delves into African's development prospects in the 21st Century, past & current issues in international business.

I B 497B – International Development in African Context (3)
Course delves into Africa's development prospects in the 21st Century, past and current issues in international business.

Selected Publications

Mhando P., "Corporate Governance in Tanzania: Ethics and Accountability at Crossroads (Soft cover)." 2023,
Mhando P., "2. Economic Development is Hard – Explaining Hot-Button Issues in Development Policy.." 2021
Mhando P., "Key Lessons for Managing Success in the post-Magufuli era.." 2021
Mhando P., "Corporate Governance in Tanzania: Ethics and Accountability at Crossroads." 2019
Mhando P., "Introduction to Special Issue - Managing Africa's Informal Economy: Research, Practice and Advocacy." Africa Journal of Management, vol. 4, no. 3, 2018
Mhando P., "Managing in the Informal Economy: The Informal Financial Sector in Tanzania." African Journal of Management, vol. 4, no. 3, 2018, pp. 282 -305
Mhando P., "Industrial Bank in the Offing?." 2017
Mhando P., "A Profile of the East African Community,." 2015
Mhando P., "Financial Planning: A Necessary Complement to Social Security." 2008
Mhando P., "Collective Investment Schemes in Tanzania. Umoja Fund: A Good Start on the Wrong Foot?." 2006
Mhando P., "Tanzania Inc.: Demystifying the Investment Myth." 2002
Mhando P., "Bank Lending and Term Credit in Tanzania." 2000


Africa Journal of Management, Co-Editor, (, September 2018

Honors and Awards

Schreyer Honors College Distinguished Faculty Honors Program, Schreyer Honors College, (Aug 1, 2021)

Visiting Scholar, School of Economics, Peking University, (Jun 22, 2020)

Africana Resource Center Research Grant, Africana Resource Center, Penn State University, (Dec 31, 2013)

Dissertation Research Initiation Grants (RIG) Award, Penn State College of Education, (Dec 31, 2013)

Binghamton University Foundation Assistantship Award,, Binghamton University Foundation, (Aug 8, 1996)

African Training for Leadership and SKills (ATLAS), USAID, (Aug 7, 1993)

Best Worker, Tanzania Investment bank, (Nov 20, 1990)

Commonwealth Fellowship Award, The Commonwealth, (Oct 1, 1990)