Paul Shrivastava
Department Management and Organization
Office Address 428 Business Building
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Paul Shrivastava

Department Management and Organization
Office Address 428 Business Building
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Email Address
Paul Shrivastava, is Professor of Management & Organizations. Until July 1 2022 he served as Penn State's Chief Sustainability Officer, and Director of its Sustainability Institute. Prior to this he was the Executive Director of Future Earth, where he established the secretariat for global environmental change programs. He is the CoPresident of The Club of Rome, a global sustainability think-and-act tank.
He also founded the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Science for implementing the SDGs at the ICN Business School, Nancy, France. He serves as advisor to the Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS), Hiroshima University, Japan, and the Future Potentials Observatory at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.
Implementing Sustainable Development Goals
Transdisciplinary sustainability research, methods and cultures
Ph D, Strategic Planning and Policy, The University of Pittsburgh, 1981
Courses Taught
BA 571 – Strat Mgmt (2)
Analysis and application of concepts and techniques aimed at successfully developing and implementing competitive strategy in a complex business environment. B A 571 B A 571 Strategic Management for Converging Economies (3)This course introduces students to the field of strategic management and the skills and tools used by general managers to make strategic decisions. Students learn to use frameworks and perspectives for analyzing industries, competitors, and companies with an overall objective of positioning the firm to attain and sustain competitive advantage. Students learn how to identify the industry and firm-level determinants of profitability and then relate those factors to the development of competitive strategy within the context of responsible business practice. Students also learn how to evaluate strategies to understand how and why companies are successful or not. Finally, students will learn how senior managers use integrative approaches for solving strategic problems.
BA 397 – Special Topics (Variable)
Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject that may be topical or of special interest.