Charles Cao

Color portrait of Charles Cao

Professor of Finance

Department Finance
Office Address 338 Business Building
Phone Number 814-865-7891
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Charles Cao is The Smeal Chair Professor of Finance at the Department of Finance, the Smeal College of Business at the Pennsylvania State University. He received his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business in 1993, M.S. from the University of Kentucky in 1988, and B.S. from Peking University in 1984.


Professor Cao's research interests include hedge funds, mutual funds, derivative securities markets, market microstructure, and credit risk. His research has been published in a wide range of academic journals, including the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Management Science, Journal of Financial Markets, and Journal of Econometrics.

Professor Cao’s paper “Empirical Performance of Alternative Option Pricing Models” (co-authored with Gurdip Bakshi and Zhiwu Chen, Journal of Finance, 1997) is among the 50 top-cited articles of all time from the Journal of Finance.

Another of his article “Price Discovery without Trading: Evidence from Nasdaq Pre-opening'' (co-authored with Eric Ghysels and Frank Hatheway, Journal of Finance, 2000) received the New York Stock Exchange Award for Best Paper on Equity Trading in 1999.

Recently, his paper “Hedge Funds and Stock Price Formation” (co-authored with Yong Chen, William Goetzmann and Bing Liang, Financial Analysts Journal, 2018) received the Graham and Dodd Award of Excellence in 2018.

Professor Cao won competitive research grants from the BNP Paribas Hedge Fund Center (2013), CFA Society (2013), the Real Estate Research Institute (2012), the Q-group (2010), the BNP Paribas Hedge Fund Center (2009), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation-FDIC (2006-2007), and Morgan Stanley (2004). He was also elected Fellow of FDIC Center for Financial Research in 2006. He serves as an editor/associate editor of Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, an associate editor of Journal of Financial Markets, Review of Derivatives Research, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, and Annals of Economics and Finance. He has taught M.B.A. and Ph.D. courses at the Smeal College of Business, Penn State University.


Ph D, Finance, University of Chicago, 1993

MS, Statistics, The University of Kentucky, 1988

BS, Mathematics, Peking University, 1984

Courses Taught

FIN 410 – Derivative Markets (3)
Functions, techniques, and impact of speculation conducted through forward markets; the nature of speculative transactions, pricing, and methods of trading.

FIN 601 – Ph D Dis Full-Time

FIN 597 – Special Topics (1.5)

FIN 597A – Asset Pricing Theory (3)
This course develops the theory of financial markets; topics include intertemporal portfolio choice, asset and option pricing models and determinants of cross-sectional stock returns.

FIN 596 – Individual Studies (9)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

FIN 585 – Financial Innovation and Portfolio Risk Management (2)
Introduction to fundamental derivatives, standard valuation models, and practical applications to portfolio management; recognition, measurement, and management of portfolio risk.

Selected Publications

Cao Q., "Information Choice, Uncertainty, and Expected Returns (with David Gempesaw and Tim Simin), Review of Financial Studies, 34, 2021, p5977-6031." 2021
Cao Q., "The Economics of Hedge Fund Startups: Theory and Empirical Evidence (with Grant Farnsworth and Hong Zhang), Journal of Finance, 76, 2021, p1427-1469." 2021
Cao Q., "Assessing Models of Individual Equity Option Prices (with Gurdip Bakshi and Ken Zhong), Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 48, 2021, p1-28." 2021
Cao Q., "Predicting the equity premium with the implied volatility spread (with Tim Simin and Han Xiao), Journal of Financial Markets, 2020, 1, 1-17." 2020, pp. 1-17
Cao Q., "Index Membership and Small Firm Financing (with Matthew Gustafson and Raisa Velthuis), Management Science, 8, 2018, 1-23." 2018
Cao Q., "Hedge Funds and Stock Price Formation (with Yong Chen, William Goetzmann and Bing Liang), Financial Analysts Journal, 3, 2018, 54-68.." 2018
Cao Q., "The Decline of Informed Trading in the Equity and Options Markets (with David Gempesaw and Tim Simin), Journal of Alternative Investments,2018, p16-29.." 2018
Cao Q., "Hedge Fund Holdings and Stock Market Efficiency (with Bing Liang, Andrew Lo and Lubomir Petrasek), Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 8, 2017, p77-116." 2017
Cao Q., "Style Drift: Evidence from Small-Cap Mutual Funds (with Peter Iliev, and Raisa Velthuis), Journal of Banking and Finance, 78, 2017, p42-57." 2017
Cao Q., "What Is the Nature of Hedge Fund Manager Skills? Evidence from the Risk Arbitrage Strategy (with Bradley Goldie, Bing Liang and Lubomir Petrasek), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analys." 2016
Cao Q., "Return Smoothing, Liquidity Costs, and Investor Flows: Evidence from a Separate Account Platform (with Grant Farnsworth, Bing Liang and Andrew Lo), Management Science, 63, 2017, p2233-2250." 2016
Cao Q., "Real Estate Risk and Hedge Fund Returns (with Brent Ambrose and Walter D’Lima), Journal of Real Estate, Finance and Economics, 52, 2016, 197-225." 2016
Cao Q., "“Option Pricing and Hedging Performance under Stochastic Volatility and Stochastic Interest Rates” (with Gurdip Bakshi and Zhiwu Chen), in Handbook of Financial Econometrics and Statistics, C." 2014
Cao Q., "Liquidity Risk and Institutional Ownership (with Lubomir Petrasek), Journal of Financial Markets, 21, 2014, 76-97." 2014
Cao Q., "Liquidity Risk in Stock Returns: An Event-study Perspective (with Lubomir Petrasek), Journal of Banking and Finance 45, 2014, 72-83." 2014
Cao Q., "Can Hedge Funds Time Market Liquidity? (with Yong Chen, Bing Liang and Andrew Lo), Journal of Financial Economics 109, 2013, 493-516." 2013
Cao Q., "Do Mutual Fund Managers Time Market Liquidity?, (with Tim Simin and Ying Wang), Journal of Financial Markets 16, 2013, 279-307." 2013
Cao Q., "Derivatives do Affect Mutual Fund Returns: Evidence from the Financial Crisis of 1998, (with Eric Ghysels and Frank Hatheway), Journal of Futures Markets, 31, 2011, 629-658." 2011
Cao Q., "Pricing Credit Default Swaps with Option-Implied Volatility, (with Fan Yu and Ken Zhong), Financial Analyst Journal 67, 2011, 67-76.." 2011
Cao Q., "“Option Pricing and Hedging Performance under Stochastic Volatility and Stochastic Interest Rates” (with Gurdip Bakshi and Zhiwu Chen), in Handbook of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management." 2010
Cao Q., "The Information Content of Option-Implied Volatility for Credit Default Swap Valuation, (with Fan Yu and Ken Zhong), Journal of Financial Markets 13, 2010, 321-343." 2010
Cao Q., "An Empirical Analysis of the Dynamic Relationship between Mutual Fund Flow and Market Return Volatility, (with Eric Chang and Ying Wang), Journal of Banking and Finance 32, 2008,2111-2123." 2008
Cao Q., "The Information Content of an Open Limit Order Book, (with Oliver Hanscah and Xiaoxin Wang), Journal of Futures Markets 29, 2008,16-41." 2008
Cao Q., "Order Placement Strategies in a Pure Limit Order Book Market, (with Oliver Hansch and Xiaoxin Wang), Journal of Financial Research, Vol. XXXI, 2008,113-140." 2008
Cao Q., "Can Growth Options Explain the Trend in Idiosyncratic Risk? (with Tim Simin and Jing Zhao), Review of Financial Studies 21, 2008,2599-2633." 2008
Cao Q., "Determinants of S&P 500 Index Option Returns, (with Jingzhi Huang), Review of Derivatives Research, 10, 2008,1-38.." 2008
Cao Q., "Informational Content of Option Volume Prior to Takeovers, (with Zhiwu Chen and John Griffin), Journal of Business, 78, 2005,1073-1109." 2005
Cao Q., "Is Investor Misreaction Economically Significant? Evidence from Short- and Long-term Index Options, (with Haitiao Li and Fan Yu), Journal of Futures Markets, 25, 2005,717-752." 2005
Cao Q., "Liquidity Consequence of IPO Lockup Expiration" (with Laura Field and Gordon Hanka), in Focus on Financial Institutions and Services, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2004.." 2004
Cao Q., "Does Insider Trading Impair Market Liquidity: Evidence from IPO Lockup Expirations, (with Laura Field and Gordon Hanka), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 39, 2004,25-46.." 2004
Cao Q., "Share Repurchase Tender Offers and Bid-Ask Spreads (with Heejoon Ahn and Hyuk Choe), Journal of Banking and Finance 25, 2001,445-478." 2001
Cao Q., "Price Discovery without Trading: Evidence from Nasdaq Pre-opening, (with Eric Ghysels and Frank Hatheway), Journal of Finance 56, 2000,1339-1365." 2000
Cao Q., "Pricing and Hedging Long-Term Options, (with Gurdip Bakshi and Zhiwu Chen), Journal of Econometrics 94, 2000,277-318." 2000
Cao Q., "Do Call Prices and the Underlying Stock Always Move in the Same Direction? (with Gurdip Bakshi and Zhiwu Chen), Review of Financial Studies 13, 2000,549-584.." 2000
Cao Q., ""Empirical Performance of Alternative Option Pricing Models" (with Gurdip Bakshi and Zhiwu Chen), in Model Risk, Haymarket House, London, U.K., 2000.." 2000
Cao Q., "Decimalization and Competition Among Exchanges: Evidence from the Toronto Stock Exchange Cross-listed Securities, (with Heejoon Ahn and Hyuk Choe), Journal of Financial Markets 1, 1998,51-87." 1998
Cao Q., "Does the Specialist Matter? Differential Execution Costs and Inter-Security Subsidization on the NYSE (with Hyuk Choe and Frank Hatheway), Journal of Finance 52, 1997,1615-1640." 1997
Cao Q., "Empirical Performance of Alternative Option Pricing Models (with Gurdip Bakshi and Zhiwu Chen), Journal of Finance 52, 1997,2003-2049." 1997
Cao Q., "Evolution of Transitory Volatility over the Week (with Hyuk Choe), Annals of Economics and Finance, 1997,49-78.." 1997
Cao Q., "What is Special About the Opening: Evidence from NASDAQ (with Hyuk Choe and Frank Hatheway, Seoul Journal of Business, 1997,1-36.." 1997
Cao Q., "Tick Size, Spread and Volume, (with Heejoon Ahn and Hyuk Choe), Journal of Financial Intermediation 5, 1996,2-22." 1996
Cao Q., ""Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Stock Return Volatility", (with Ruey Tsay), in Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1993.." 1993
Cao Q., "Inequality Constraints in the Univariate GARCH Model, (with Daniel Nelson), Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 10, 1992,229-235." 1992
Cao Q., "Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Stock Return Volatility, (with Ruey Tsay), Journal of Applied Econometrics 7, 1992,165-185." 1992
Cao Q., "“Predicting the equity premium with the implied volatility spread” (with Tim Simin and Han Xiao) in Handbook of Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management, and Financial Derivatives, Published."


Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Editorial Board, January 2017 - Present
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Co-Editor, January 2009 - January 2017
Review of Derivatives Research, Associate Editor, January 2007 - Present
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Associate Editor, January 2006 - Present
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Associate Editor, January 2006 - January 2008
Journal of Financial Markets, Associate Editor, January 2002 - Present

Honors and Awards