Rachel Rutkoski

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Adjunct Instructor

Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 454 Business Building
Email Address rar167@psu.edu

Courses Taught

SCM 594 – Research Topics (1)
Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small-group basis.

SCM 846 – Topics in Scm (4)
Emerging issues in supply chain management, from procurement through manufacturing, logistics, and sales. SCM 846 Topics in Supply Chain Management (4) SCM 846 provides an enhanced understanding of emerging concepts in supply chain management. For this course, supply chain management is defined as "the integration of key business processes from the end user through original suppliers that provide products, services, and information that add value for customers.” Beginning with this lifecycle understanding, the course will identify emerging developments that have the potential to alter competitive balance, planning assumptions, cost structures, and conventional timelines. Given trends in globalization, information technology, demographics, and supply chain practice, new innovations have the potential to facilitate both improvement in the performance of existing systems and the disruption of current sources of competitive advantage. Thus, the course focuses on "weak signals" that have yet to enter the mainstream of supply chain management theory or practice. As a result, the selection of topics will evolve with the state of practice.

Honors and Awards