Robert Wesley Everett

Color portrait of Robert Wesley Everett

Associate Teaching Professor in Finance

Department Finance
Office Address 347 Business Building
Phone Number 814-863-3072
Email Address

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Ph D, Finance (Macroeconomics and Econometrics), George Washington University, 1998

MBA, Finance, DePaul University, 1987

BS, Agricultural Economics, Cornell University, 1984

Courses Taught

FIN 408 – Fin Mrkts and Insts (3)
Functional analysis of major credit institutions; sources and uses of funds; impact of government regulation.

This capstone course is the culminating experience for the Master of Corporate Finance. The aim of the capstone is to assess students' ability to synthesize and integrate the skills they have developed throughout their course work. This course is structured to support student success in fulfilling program goals and requirements.The projects students tackle will mirror what they'll encounter on the job as a significant member of the corporate planning strategic management team.The course integrates topics and methodologies analyzed throughout the program, leading students to understand that corporate strategic analysis, and ultimately, the firm's ability to enhance shareholder value, is a holistic and multifaceted analytical process.Generally, the capstone course involves strategic financial decision-making and long-term strategic analysis. The course requires students to demonstrate advanced skill at integration and mastery of specific concepts. Specifically: capital structure and cost of capital analysis, financial forecasting, valuation, corporate control, and the environmental factors influencing capital acquisition and allocation. Analysis of the international operations as a multinational firm adds an additional layer of complexity.

Operation, structure of money, bond markets and concepts; and techniques used in evaluating and managing fixed income portfolios.

FIN 596 – Individual Studies (2)

FIN 406 – Sec Anly &Prt Mgmt (3)
Advanced valuation theory; fundamentals of security analysis; portfolio construction and management.

Honors and Awards