Robert Hills
Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of Accounting
Department Accounting
Office Address 319 Business Building
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Robert Hills

Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of Accounting
Department Accounting
Office Address 319 Business Building
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Email Address
Professor Robert Hills is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at Penn State University. Robert's research focuses on corporate taxation, financial reporting and debt contracting. Robert graduated with his PhD in Accounting from Duke University in 2019.
Ph D, Business Administration (Accounting), Duke University, 2019
BS, Accounting, Brigham Young University, 2014
MS, Accounting, Brigham Young University, 2014
Courses Taught
ACCTG 405 – Prin of Tax I (3)
Elements of tax policy and tax-planning concepts for personal and business decision making; with emphasis on taxation of individuals. ACCTG 405 Principles of Taxation (3) Introduction to Taxation, is the first course that undergraduate accounting majors take that is devoted entirely to taxation. Although the course is intended for accounting majors, the content is relevant to finance majors seeking elective courses. The objective of the course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the concepts, terminology, and decision-making skills specific to the discipline of taxation that are germane to the professional development of those preparing for a career in accounting. Although the course surveys the many forms of taxation that are found in industrialized societies, and the comparisons thereof, the main focus is on the federal income taxation of individuals. However, coverage is provided regarding the manner in which the taxation of individuals relates to corporate and partnership entities. ACCTG 405 is related to other accounting courses through its coverage of income concepts, and micro-economic principles. The former compares differences in the measurement of financial accounting income with the manner in which income is determined according to the tax laws. The latter emphasizes business decision-making principles that are important in the managerial portion of the accounting program. The course covers topics that illustrate fundamental tax strategies and how such enable taxpayers to achieve business and personal economic objectives. The assessment process in ACCTG 405 incorporates examinations, homework assignments, and individual and group projects. The exams are combinations of objective questions and open-ended problems. Exams are often given in the evening. Course learning aids include a text book, on-line tax research services, spreadsheet software, and a packet of handouts prepared by instructors to keep the classes updated on the many changes in the tax laws that occur each year.
ACCTG 472 – Int Fin Acctg II (3)
Off-balance-sheet financing; special issues in cost capitalization, liabilities, and equities; matching; funds flow statements; statement analysis; inflation accounting.