Serkan Yilmaz

Color portrait of Serkan Yilmaz

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 471B 471B Business Building
Phone Number 814-863-1232
Email Address

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Courses Taught

BAN 830 – Descriptive Analytics for Bus (3)
BAN 830 explores the use of descriptive analytics concepts, tools, and techniques throughout a wide range of business scenarios and problems. Initially focusing on the application of traditional descriptive analytics techniques to answer the question, "What happened?," the course provides opportunities for students to perform spreadsheet- and programming-based data acquisition, cleaning, manipulation, and visualization using data derived from various business contexts to inform business leaders' decisions. Later, students progress to applying advanced statistical techniques and concepts including descriptive measures, sampling and estimation, and inference in both spreadsheet and programming environments. The course concludes with a bridge to predictive analytics as students apply linear and multiple linear regression to business-related data in search of relationships among input and output variables. Software packages, concepts, and business applications will vary and evolve to keep pace with technology, theory, and instructor interests.

SCM 405 – Mfg Svc Strat (3)
Investigates manufacturing and services strategies in supply chain networks. SCM 405 Manufacturing and Services Strategies (3)This course examines manufacturing and services strategies, with special emphasis given to quality management concepts, methods, and issues. After completing this course, students will have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to:  Explain the role of manufacturing or services operations from the boundary-spanning perspective of supply chain management and how supply chain management can be used as a strategic competitive advantage  Articulate how the various components of a manufacturing strategy are integrated, particularly with respect to the use of information technologies for supply chains  Effectively apply operational and quality tools useful in implementing manufacturing strategies. Individual and team assignments form the basis for evaluation. Evaluation methods include a combination of class participation, exams, 'hands-on' exercises, case studies, and written assignments. This is one of three prescribed foundation courses in the Supply Chain and Information Systems major for which B A 302 'Supply Chains' is a prerequisite. The course is also an important prerequisite for the capstone course in the major, SC&IS 450 'Supply Chain Leadership.'

SCM 497 – Special Topics (3)
Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject that may be topical or of special interest.

SCM 496 – Indep Studies (Variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, that are supervised on an individual basis and that fall outside the scope of formal courses.

Selected Publications

Strege S., Yilmaz S., Saha P., Loewen E. P., "Modernization and Capability Investigation of the MATRIX Electromagnetic Pump Analysis Code." Nuclear Technology, vol. 193, 2016, pp. 259-275
Yilmaz S., "A Method to Optimize Robust Core Design Performance Based on Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) Methodology." 2015
Yilmaz S., Elam J., "Optimizing The Outage Refueling Time With Shuffle Conscious Core Design Evaluation via ePrometheus." 2015
Alim F., Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., "PWR Core Design Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms." 2011
Yilmaz S., Kvaall G., Sutton S., Huff G., "Advanced ePrometheus TM GNF Fuel Cycle Optimization Tool." Progress in Nuclear Energy, vol. 53, no. 6, 2011, pp. 562-565
Yilmaz S., Kvaall G., Sutton S., Huff G., "Advanced ePrometheusTM GNF Fuel Cycle Optimization Tool." 2009
Yilmaz S., Schmitt B., Trosman L., Szwarc K., "First GNF2 AdvantageTM Reload Experience For Fitzpatrick Cycle 19 Design." 2009
Alim F., Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S. H., "Genetic Algorithms To Automatically Optimize PWR Fuel Management Calculations." 2009
Alim F., Ivanov K., Yilmaz S., Levine S., "New genetic algorithms (GA) to optimize PWR reactors Part II: Simultaneous optimization of loading pattern and burnable poison placement for the TMI-1 reactor." Annals of Nuclear Energy, vol. 35, 2008, pp. 113-120
Yilmaz S., Kvaall G., "GNF ePrometheusTM N-StreamingSM Application for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Nuclear Power Station." 2007
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., Mahgerefteh M., "Genetic Algorithm Application for Burnable Poison Placement in PWRs with Optimized UO2/Gd2O3 Fuel Pin Configurations." Nuclear Technology, vol. 156, no. 2, 2006, pp. 180-190
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., Mahgerefteh M., "Genetic Algorithm Methodology for Determining UO2/Gd2O3 Fuel Pin Positions for a PWR Fuel Assembly Design." Nuclear Technology, vol. 156, no. 2, 2006, pp. 168-179
Alim F., Ivanov K., Yilmaz S., "Simultaneous Optimization of Loading Pattern and Burnable Poison Placement for PWRs." 2006
Gozalvez J., Yilmaz S., Alim F., Ivanov K., Levine S., "Sensitivity Study on Determining Efficient Fuel Assembly Parameters in Training Data for Designing of Neural Networks in Hybrid Genetic Algorithms." Annals of Nuclear Energy, vol. 33, 2006, pp. 457-465
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., Mahgerefteh M., "Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Burnable Poison Placement in PWRs." Annals of Nuclear Energy, vol. 33, 2006, pp. 446-456
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., Mahgerefteh M., "Development of enriched Gd-155 and Gd-157 burnable poison designs for a PWR core." Annals of Nuclear Energy, vol. 33, 2006, pp. 439-445
Secker J. R., Johansen B. J., Stucker D. L., Ozer O., Ivanov K., Yilmaz S., Young E. H., "Optimum Discharge Burnup and Cycle Length For PWRs." Nuclear Technology, vol. 151, no. 2, 2005, pp. 109-120
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., Mahgerefteh M., "Optimizing The Placement of Burnable Poisons In PWRs." Nuclear Technology, vol. 151, no. 1, 2005
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., "Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Burnable Poison Placement In PWRs." 2005
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., Mahgerefteh M., "Optimized Innovative Burnable Poison Concepts for Advanced PWR Fuel Management." 2004
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., Mahgerefteh M., "Optimized Innovative Burnable Poison Concepts for Advanced PWR Fuel Management." 2004
Yilmaz S., Alim F., Ivanov K., "Gadolinia Fueled Pin Placement Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms." 2003
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., Mahgerefteh M., "Automating The Optimization Of Burnable Poisons In PWRs." 2003
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., Levine S., Mahgerefteh M., "Optimizing The Placement of Burnable Poisons In PWRs." 2003
Yilmaz S., "Optimum Cycle Length and Discharge Burnup." 2003
Yilmaz S., Ivanov K., "Optimum Cycle Length and Discharge Burnup For Nuclear Fuel With Enrichments Greater Than 5.0 w/o." 2002
Yilmaz S., "Optimum Cycle Length and Discharge Burnup for Nuclear Fuel - A Comprehensive Study for BWRs and PWRs - Phase I: Results Achievable Within the 5 % Enrichment Limit." 2002
Yilmaz S., "Optimum Cycle Length and Discharge Burnup for Nuclear Fuel, Phase II: Results Achievable With Enrichments Greater Than 5.0 w/o." 2002
Yilmaz S., Zabunoglu O., "Economical Analysis Of Alternative Options In Candu Fuel Cycle." 2000
Sarici E. L., Yilmaz S., Guray B. S., "Nuclear Energy In Medium and Long Term Energy Generation Of Turkey." 2000
Basoglu B., Guray B. S., Yilmaz S., Koseoglu G., "National Participation, Technology Transfer and R&D Activities in the field of Nuclear Energy." 1998

Research Impact and Media Mentions

"Philips Healthcare, Global Manufacuting OPEX Leader visited Serkan Yilmaz's Classroom", SCIS News Update, April News Letters,
"SCM 496 - CSCR Sponsored Undergraduate Research Projects Semester Summary Report", SCIS News Update, April News Letters,

Honors and Awards