Wael Jabr

Color portrait of Wael Jabr

Assistant Professor

Department Supply Chain & Information Systems
Office Address 447 Business Building
Phone Number 814-865-0379
Email Address wjabr@psu.edu

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I am an Assistant Professor of Supply Chain and Information Systems at the Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University. I earned my PhD in Management Science from the Information Systems and Operation Management department at the University of Texas at Dallas’ Jindal School of Management.


Digital transformations have been upending the business world at an accelerating rate. This shift has prompted McKinsey to proclaim that the digital transformation is now elevated to where it is “personally mandated by the CEO”. As such, firms increasingly focus on exploiting IT artifacts (e.g., the Internet, online platforms) to realize new products, services, and business models and to transform the marketplace. Such transformations are in turn increasingly reshaping the interactions between the firm and the human element, with its managerial and societal implications. In this context, my research portfolio focuses on two themes: A) information-rich platforms and B) human-algorithm interactions.
A) Information-rich platforms: Digital transformations made platforms ubiquitous and essential in users’ decision making. An online app store for example is a platform that allows app users to readily post reviews that can then be researched by others before purchasing an app. A wealth of information is made publicly available as a result turning the platform into an infomediary. My research in this theme focuses on this infomediary role that platforms play to shape the interaction amongst stakeholders and to shape customer decision-making. I study the platform's balancing act in how much information, say through reviews, should be made available, to avoid a degradation in the quality of customers’ decision making. I also study how the platform's information dissemination shapes the public’s actions (e.g., in the form of polarization of opinions) and influences firms’ behavior (e.g., in the form of acting more socially responsibly).
B) Human-Algorithm interactions: Digital transformations have also heightened the interactions between humans and algorithms, with implications on operational effectiveness (e.g., accuracy of humans and of algorithms) and on perceptions (e.g., fairness) of these transformations. In a complex context such as the judicial system, my work explores judge’s decision making as it pertains to fairness (vis-à-vis race and gender) and public safety. In the context of peer-production systems, my research focuses on preventing congestion and enhancing workflow harmonization when algorithmic agents get in the way of experienced human users and on ensuring a balance between human experience and machine.


Ph D, Information Systems, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2011

Courses Taught

BA 840 – BUS DATA MGMT (3)
Business Data Management will enable students to use various database designs to acquire the information needed to make effective business decisions. Successful students will be able to design, create, and implement a relational database and be able to write SQL statements to obtain information from a database. In addition, students will investigate the next generation approaches for storing, manipulating, and managing web data in unstructured formats. Students will gain an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages among XML, NoSQL, NewSQL, and Relational databases. After successfully completing this course, students will have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to:- structure a database, configure it, perform analysis within it, and report from it- have adequate understanding of SQL to retrieve data from a database using SQL query language- design a database system including an ER Model and a UML class diagram, and implement the design in an enterprise databaseapplication- understand NoSQL databases, XML native databases, NewSQL databases, and the advantages and disadvantages of thesedatabases.

Selected Publications

Mendel V., Aaltonen A., Rai A., Mathiassen L., Jabr W., "Timely Quality Problem Resolution in Peer-Production Systems: Impacts of Contributor Experience and Control Mechanisms." Information Systems Research, 2024
Ho I., Jabr W., Zhang Y., "AI in Law Enforcement: Examining the Impact of AI-Supported Recommendations on Judicial Fairness." Workshop on Information Systems Economics, 2023
Mookerjee R., Jabr W., Singh H., "A Boosting Policy to Optimize User Forum Performance: Model and Evaluation." Production and Operations Management, vol. 32, no. 12, 2023, pp. 3873-3889
Ding C., Jabr W., Guo H., "Electoral Competition in the Age of Social Media: The Role of Social Media Influencers." MIS Quarterly, vol. 47, no. 4, 2023, pp. 1647-1662
Jabr W., Dhanorkar S., "Can Broadband Help Curb Pollution? Implications for Marginalized Communities." INFORMS Workshop on Data Science, 2023
Ho I., Jabr W., Zhang Y., "AI in Law Enforcement: Examining the Impact of AI-Supported Recommendations on Judicial Fairness." INFORMS Annual Conference, 2023
Jabr W., Ding C., Guo H., "The Influence of Influencers on Social Media: The Competitive Pressure on Traditional Media." Information Systems Research, 2022
Jabr W., Rai A., "When Trading Becomes Social: How Social Trading Platforms Affect the Disposition Effect." Conference on Information Systems and Technology, 2022
Jabr W., Rai A., "When Trading Becomes Social: How Social Trading Platforms Affect the Disposition Effect." Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2022
Jabr W., Rai A., "When Trading Becomes Social: How Social Trading Platforms Affect the Disposition Effect." International Conference on Information Systems, 2022
Jabr W., Zheng Z., "Exploring firm strategy using financial reports: performance impact of inward and outward relatedness with digitisation." European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 32, no. 2, 2022, pp. 145-165
Jabr W., "Review credibility as a safeguard against fakery: the case of Amazon." European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 31, no. 4, 2022, pp. 525-545
Jabr W., Yin D., Zhang H., "Online Word-of-Mouth: Research Curation." MIS Quarterly, 2020
Ding C., Jabr W., Guo H., "Electoral Competition in the Age of Social Media: Implications on Party Policies and Media Reports.." Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, 2019
Jabr W., Zheng E., "Mining Firm Strategy from Financial Reports: Impact of Mimicry, Relatedness and Digitization on Performance." International Conference on Information Systems, 2019
Ding C., Jabr W., Guo H., "Politics in the Age of Social Media." China Workshop on Economics of Information Systems Theory, 2019
Gutt D., Neumann J., Jabr W., Kundisch D., "The App Updating Conundrum: Implications of Platform’s Rating Resetting on Developers’ Behavior." International Conference on Information Systems, 2019
Jabr W., Guo H., "What Drives Social Media Slant?." Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, 2018
Jabr W., Mookerjee R., Singh H., "Managing Online User Forums for Optimal Performance." Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, 2018
Jabr W., Zhao K., Cheng Y., Srivastava S., "Understanding the Disappointment in Product Reviews." Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2018
Jabr W., Zhao K., Cheng Y., Srivastava, "Understanding the Disappointment in Product Reviews." International Conference on Information Systems, 2018
Saffarizadeh K., Jabr W., Keil M., "Update Assimilation in App Markets: Is There Such a Thing as Too Many Updates?." International Conference on Information Systems, 2018
Lohtia R., Jabr W., Qi Z., Guillory M., "What Makes Reviewers Helpful, a Study of Yelp and TripAdvisor." Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2018
Jabr W., Pavlou, "Inferring Customer Needs from Pre-Purchase Information Search: A Clickstream-Based Approach." Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, 2017
Saffarizadeh K., Jabr W., Keil M., "Leveraging Customer Feedback Through App Reviews." INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2016
Yin Z., Rai A., Jabr W., "Not All IT Innovations Are Equal: Evidence from Medical Device Patents." International Conference on Information Systems, 2015
Qi Z., Storey V., Jabr W., "Sentiment Analysis Meets Semantic Analysis: Constructing Insight Knowledge Bases." International Conference on Information Systems, 2015
Jabr W., "The Fallacy of Fraudulent Reviews." Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, 2015
Jabr W., Mookerjee R., Mookerjee V., Tan Y., "Leveraging Philanthropic Behavior for Customer Support: The case of user support forums." MIS Quarterly, vol. 38, no. 1, 2014, pp. 187-208
Jabr W., Zheng E., "Know yourself and know your enemy: An analysis of firm recommendations and consumer reviews in a competitive environment." MIS Quarterly, vol. 38, no. 3, 2014, pp. 635-654
Jabr W., Rahman M., "Dynamics of the Market for Information: An Analysis of the Online Word-of-Mouth." International Conference on Information Systems., 2013
Jabr W., Zheng Z., "The Impact of Product Maturity and Variety on the Performance of IT Intensive Firms." 22nd Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, 2012
Jabr W., Mookerjee R., Mookerjee V., "An Analysis of the Delay in Customer Support Forums: an Analytical and Empirical Approach." Conference on Information Systems and Technology, 2011
Jabr W., Mookerjee R., Mookerjee V., "A Queueing Analysis of Customer Support Forums: The Joiner Paradox." 20th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, 2010
Jabr W., Zheng E., Mookerjee V., "On the Dynamic and Competing Effects of Online Reviews on Sales." 20th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, 2010
Jabr W., Mookerjee R., Tan Y., Mookerjee V., "An Integrated Model for Customer Service Support: A Queueing Analysis." 19th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, 2009
Ho I., Jabr W., Zhang Y., "AI in Law Enforcement: Examining the Impact of AI-Supported Recommendations on Judicial Fairness." Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Ho I., Jabr W., Zhang Y., "AI in Law Enforcement: Examining the Impact of AI-Supported Recommendations on the Judicial Fairness." Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research
Jabr W., Dhanorkar S., "Can Broadband Help Curb Pollution? Implications for Marginalized Communities." International Conference on Information Systems
Jabr W., Ghoshal A., Cheng Y., Pavlou P. A., "Maximizing Revisiting and Purchasing: A Clickstream-Based Approach to Enhance Individual-Level Customer Conversion." Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 470-502

Research Impact and Media Mentions

"The Economics and Politics of Social Media", Better Business Podcast, Internet, www.smeal.psu.edu/podcast
"To what extent can Taylor Swift influence the 2024 presidential elections?", ElPais English, Internet, . english.elpais.com/usa/2024-02-04/to-what-extent-can-taylor-swift-influence-the-2024-presidential-elections.html
"Influencers can influence voters’ decisions, but also party tactics. Their presence in the discourse forces traditional media to become radicalized", Newseria, News Producer, biznes.newseria.pl/news/influencerzy-moga,p224729163
"Reviewing reviews: ‘Top reviews’ can help sway shoppers, but there are limitsGraduate Student Residential Teaching Excellence Award", PSU News, Internet, www.psu.edu/news/smeal-college-business/story/reviewing-reviews-top-reviews-can-help-sway-shoppers-there-are-limits/
"Reviewing Reviews", Smeal Magazine, Journal or Magazine, magazine.smeal.psu.edu/reviewing-reviews/


International Conference on Information Systems, Associate Editor, February to December 2022
Associate Editor for the tracks on "Sharing Economy, Platforms, and Crowds” and on "Societal Impact of IS"
Information Technology and Management, Associate Editor, (www.springer.com/journal/10799), December 2020 - Present
Business & Information Systems Engineering, Associate Editor, (www.springer.com/journal/12599), November 2020 - Present
AE for the department “Economics of IS”

Honors and Awards