Wenpin Tsai
Department Management and Organization
Office Address 448 Business Building
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Wenpin Tsai

Department Management and Organization
Office Address 448 Business Building
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Professor Tsai is the John Arnold Professor of Management in the Management and Organization Department. He received his PhD in Business Administration at the London Business School in 1998. His publications appear in top journals (such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal) and have been very well cited. He has also coauthored a book on Social Networks and Organizations (Sage).
Professor Tsai's research interests include social capital, knowledge sharing, coopetition, and network evolution inside and across organizations. He is currently involved in research projects that investigate cooperative and competitive dynamics in multiple industries.
Ph D, Strategic and International Management, London Business School, 1998
MBA, Business and Finance, George Washington University, 1992
BBA, International Trade, National Taiwan University, 1990
Courses Taught
MGMT 481 – Global Str Mgmt (3)
With increasing competition around the globe, companies today confront an increasing array of choices regarding geographic markets, locations for key activities, ways of organizing businesses, operations, and processes for managing across borders. This course provides a broad exploration of new business models developed for competing in the global marketplace. It discusses the evidence, concepts and models for understanding the strategic issues facing executives nowadays and their impacts on company performance. In particular, it investigates various aspects of corporate level and business level strategy dealing with opportunities and challenges in the global competitive environment. It considers the dynamics in the global business environment and addresses key strategic decisions that influence firm growth and competitive advantages.The aim of this course is to prepare students to manage effectively in today's interconnected world by understanding this changing environment, principles of global strategy, and the relation between global strategy and organization. Students will develop strategic thinking capabilities and apply analytical tools and frameworks for understanding key factors influencing decision making in today's interconnected world. The course builds on insights from prior business courses in accounting, marketing, finance, organizational behavior, strategy, and international management. Learning will take place through lectures, in-class activities, case discussion, simulation, and group project and presentations.
MGMT 578 – Sem Corp Stratgy (3)
Current theoretical and research issues applicable to the study of corporate strategy formulation and implementation.
MGMT 461 – Intnl Mgmt (3)
Examines issues of nations and cultures including motivation, communication, negotiation, leadership, ethics and social responsibility, and women in management.
MGMT 539 – Social Networks (3)
Learn theory, concepts and methods for research on organizational social networks. MGMT 539 Seminar in Organizational Social Networks (3) This course familiarizes doctoral students with the theory, research and methodological issues connected with social network analysis in organizational contexts. The course encompasses topics from the micro level (e.g., cognition and networks) to the macro level (e.g., interorganizational networks) and introduces a range of network ideas concerned with centrality, structural holes, embeddedness, and social capital. Class periods will consist mainly of focused discussion of academic papers, but will also include discussion of data analysis exercises, and student presentations. Upon completion of the course, students should have a good grasp of social network concepts and methods and be able to use them to conduct research. The course requirements include participation in discussion, the completion of data analysis exercises, and the writing of a research paper. The course is designed for 15 students and is likely to be offered once every two years.
MGMT 601 – Ph.D Dis Full-Time
MGMT 600 – Thesis Research (5)
MGMT 596 – Individual Studies (1)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
MGMT 496 – Independent Studies (variable)
Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.
Selected Publications
Guest Editor