J. Andrew Petersen

Color portrait of J. Andrew Petersen

Associate Professor, Director of Masters of Marketing Analytics and Insights

Department Marketing
Office Address 457 Business Building
Phone Number 814-863-1988
Email Address jap57@psu.edu

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J. Andrew Petersen is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Pennsylvania State University. He has a Ph.D. in Business Administration (concentration in Marketing) from the University of Connecticut. He has a BA with Honors in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


His research interests include measuring and maximizing customer/donor lifetime value (CLV/DLV) and customer/donor equity, managing customer product return behavior, measuring the value of word of mouth, selling and sales management, and linking marketing metrics to financial performance. His research has been published in journals including Journal of Marketing , Journal of Marketing Research, Harvard Business Review , MIT Sloan Management Review , The Wall Street Journal , Journal of Retailing , Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , and Journal of Service Research among others.


Ph D, Business Administration (Marketing), University of Connecticut, 2008

BA, Economics with Honors (Computer Science), The University of North Carolina, 2002

Courses Taught

BA 800 – Marketing Management (2)
An examination of the role of the market place in company management.

IST 494H – Honors Thesis Research (3)
This course is the mechanism by which students in the Schreyer Honors College who are conducting research with a faculty member affiliated with the IST undergraduate major will register for thesis credits. The course includes activities related to research, scholarship, and/or writing necessary for the completion of an approved honors thesis.

MKTG 813 focuses on leveraging marketing data to support acquiring, developing relationships with, and retaining customers. Through the lens of the Customer Lifecycle, students will learn key data analytic techniques for targeting the right customers, engaging them and moving them through the path to purchase, identifying customer profitability and customer lifetime value, managing challenges such as customer churn, and building and managing customer loyalty programs.

BA 815 – Business Statistics (2)
Conceptual understanding of statistics through both numerical and applied approach. B A 515 Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making (2)A course designed to meet the entry statistical requirements for any course in the Smeal MBA Program, as well as to provide job applicable skills across the entire business portfolio.

MKTG 571 – Marketing Strategy (2)
Examines business-level marketing issues and solutions to problems in competitive business environments.

MKTG 556 – Mktg Mgmt (3)
To explore the conceptual and applied dimensions of marketing management. MKTG 556 Marketing Management (3)This course is a seminar course, so class involvement will be a major component. In addition, students will be expected to prepare two papers. The first will be a journal submission review; the second will be the written version of each student's research proposal. Academics need to understand journal reviewing, and they need to develop research ideas and write about them. Students will also be expected to prepare and perform two oral presentations. The first will be the presentation discussed in the session description below and will be a part of their class participation. The second will be an oral form of the student's research presentation. Students need to be able to communicate their ideas, and it is hoped that having an oral presentation of their proposals before the written presentation will also help them improve their proposal. Finally, there will be an examination at the end of the course. Each class session, with the exception of the first and last class periods, will be devoted to an important topic in the marketing management domain. For each class period, other than the two exceptions, students will read around 7 papers. The papers will be a mix of classical, seminal works and recent, cutting-edge works in the assigned area. The bulk of the class period will be devoted to discussion of the articles assigned. Discussion will be devoted to a) why the article is important, b) good points of the article, c) bad points of the article, and d) research ideas that the article might suggest or engender. In addition, one student per week will be responsible to find, prepare, and present another published paper that deals with the weeks' issues ; this presentation will be part of the student's participation grade. The last few minutes of each class will be devoted to a discussion by the instructors of where research in the assigned area is going and some interesting open research questions in the area. The two exceptions among the class periods will be the first and last class. In the first class, we will have an introduction to research in marketing management and this particular Ph.D. seminar, while the last class will be devoted to allowing the remaining students to present their research proposals.

MKTG 596 – Individual Studies (Variable)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

MKTG 428 – Adv Sales Mgmt (3)
Approaches to planning, organizing, staffing, training, directing, and controlling the sales force in support of marketing objectives.

BA 597 – Special Topics (2)
Formal courses given on a topical or special interest subject which may be offered infrequently.

Selected Publications

Khodakarami F., Petersen J. A., Venkatesan R., "Customer behavior across competitive loyalty programs." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 52, 2024, pp. 892-913
Bendle N., Farris P., Venkatesan R., Petersen J. A., "A Suite of Metrics to Understand Return on Investments in Customers." Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2024
Petersen J. A., Paulich B. J., Khodakarami F., Spyropoulou S., Kumar V., "Customer-based Execution Strategy in a Global Digital Economy." International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 39, no. 2, 2022, pp. 566-582
Palmatier R. W., Petersen J., Germann F., "Marketing Analytics: Based on First Principles." (Bloomsbury Publishing), 2022, pp. 432
Venkataraman S., Petersen J., "B2B data-driven and value-based pricing strategies, price setting, and price execution." (Edward Elgar Publishing), 2022, pp. 266-291
Grewal R., Lilien G. L., Petersen J., Wuyts S., "Business-to-business marketing: Looking back, looking forward." (Edward Elgar Publishing), 2022, pp. 2-11
Nagpal M., Petersen J. A., "Keyword Selection Strategies in Search Engine Optimization: How Relevant is Relevance?." Journal of Retailing, vol. 97, no. 4, 2021, pp. 746-763, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022435920300944
Petersen J. A., Schmid F., "Leveraging Stakeholder Networks with Outside-in Marketing." Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 92, 2021, pp. 72-75, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0019850120308853
Petersen J., Venkatesan R., Khodakarami F., "Designing and Effectively Managing Customer-centric Loyalty Programs." (Edward Elgar Publishing), 2019, pp. 180-206
Venkatesan R., Petersen J., Guissoni L., "Measuring and Managing Customer Engagement Value Through the Customer Journey." (Springer International Publishing), 2018
Petersen J., Alptekinoglu A., "Managing Product Returns in Retailing." (Edward Elgar Publishing), 2018, pp. 220-234
Minnema A., Bijmolt T. H., Petersen J., Shulman J. D., "Managing Product Returns within the Customer Value Framework." (Springer International Publishing), 2018
van Doorn J., Mende M., Noble S. M., Hulland J., Ostrom A. L., Grewal D., Petersen J., "Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto: Emergence of Automated Social Presence in Organizational Frontlines and Customers’ Service Experiences." Journal of Service Research, vol. 20, no. 1, 2017, pp. 43-58
Petersen J., Anderson E. T., Kumar V., Shah D., "Leveraging product returns to maximize customer equity." (Edward Elgar Publishing), 2015, pp. 177–160
This is the website of the book: http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/handbook-of-research-on-customer-equity-in-marketing

The book chapter was authored by Eric Anderson and Andrew Petersen. The whole book was edited by V. Kumar and Denish Shah.
Khodakarami F., Petersen J., Venkatesan R., "Developing Donor Relationships: The Role of the Breadth of Giving." Journal of Marketing, vol. 79, no. 4, 2015, pp. 77–93
Petersen J., Kushwaha T., Kumar V., "Marketing communication strategies and consumer financial decision making: The role of national culture." Journal of Marketing, vol. 79, no. 1, 2015, pp. 44–63
Petersen J., Kumar V., "Perceived Risk, Product Returns, and Optimal Resource Allocation: Evidence from a Field Experiment." Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 52, no. 2, 2015, pp. 268–285
Kumar V., Petersen J., Leone R. P., "Defining, Measuring and Managing Business Reference Value." Journal of Marketing, vol. 77, no. 1, 2013, pp. 68–86
Kumar V., Petersen J., "Statistical Methods in Customer Relationship Management." (John Wiley & Sons), 2012
Petersen J., Kumar V., "Can Product Returns Make You Money?." Sloan Management Review, vol. 51, no. 3, 2010, pp. 85–89
Kumar V., Petersen J., Leone R. P., "Driving profitability by encouraging customer referrals: who, when, and how." Journal of Marketing, vol. 74, no. 5, 2010, pp. 1–17
Petersen J., Kumar V., "Are product returns a necessary evil? Antecedents and consequences." Journal of Marketing, vol. 73, no. 3, 2009, pp. 35–51
Petersen J., McAlister L., Reibstein D. J., Winer R. S., Kumar V., Atkinson G., "Choosing the right metrics to maximize profitability and shareholder value." Journal of Retailing, vol. 85, no. 1, 2009, pp. 95–111
Kumar V., Dalla Pozza I., Petersen J., Shah D., "Reversing the logic: the path to profitability through relationship marketing." Journal of Interactive Marketing, vol. 23, no. 2, 2009, pp. 147–156
Kumar V., Petersen J., Leone R. P., "How valuable is word of mouth?." Harvard business review, vol. 85, no. 10, 2007, pp. 139
Zeithaml V. A., Bolton R. N., Deighton J., Keiningham T. L., Lemon K. N., Petersen J., "Forward-Looking Focus Can Firms Have Adaptive Foresight?." Journal of Service Research, vol. 9, no. 2, 2006, pp. 168–183
Kumar V., Petersen J., "Using a customer-level marketing strategy to enhance firm performance: a review of theoretical and empirical evidence." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 33, no. 4, 2005, pp. 504–519
Kumar V., Petersen J., "Maximizing ROI or Profitability." Marketing Research, no. 4, 2004, pp. 28–34
Beck B. B., Petersen J. A., Venkatesan R., "Multichannel Data-driven Attribution Models: A Review and Research Agenda." Review of Marketing Research, vol. 18, pp. 153-189
Petersen J., Kumar V., Polo Y., Sese J., "Unlocking the Power of Marketing: Understanding the Link Between Customer Mind-set, Behavior, and Profitability." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Rapp A. A., Petersen J. A., Hughes D. E., Ogilvie J., "When Time is Sales: The Impact of Sales Manager Time Allocation on Sales Team Performance." Journal of Professional Selling and Sales Management, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 132-148, www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08853134.2020.1717961


Journal of Retailing, Editorial Board, (www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-retailing), January 2017 - Present
Journal of Marketing, Editorial Board, January 2016 - Present
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Associate Editor, (www.springer.com/business+%26+management/journal/11747), January 2016 - Present
International Journal of Research in Marketing, Editorial Board, January 2011 - December 2015

Honors and Awards