Vilmos F. Misangyi

Color portrait of Vilmos F. Misangyi

Professor of Strategic Management, Department Head of Management and Organization

Department Management and Organization
Office Address 452C Business Building
Phone Number 814-867-2675
Email Address

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Professor Vilmos Misangyi is a Professor of Strategic Management in the Management and Organization Department in the Smeal College of Business at The Pennsylvania State University. He holds the Earl P Strong Professorship of Executive Education in Business Administration and is the Chair of the Management and Organization Department.

See Personal Website


Ph D, Strategic Management, University of Florida, 2002

BA, Financial Administration, Michigan State University, 1987

Courses Taught

MGMT 538 – Sem in Org Thry (3)
Current theoretical and research issues applicable to the study of design and management of complex organizations.

MGMT 565 – Power & Influence (3)
Power and influence are ever-present and necessary features of organizational life¿they are required to get things get done within organizations. Effective leadership therefore depends upon both understanding and possessing power and being influential. This course provides a pragmatic and ethical framework, based upon social science theory and evidence, for systematically analyzing the organizational and individual sources of power and influence, and the circumstances that lead to their attainment and effective use. The concepts and principles covered in the course provide the foundation for the skills needed to diagnose power situations, to manage conflict, and to use political strategies in responsible and pragmatic ways to get things done in organizational settings.

MGMT 600 – Thesis Research (Variable)

MGMT 601 – Ph.D Dis Full-Time

MGMT 578 – Sem Corp Stratgy (3)
Current theoretical and research issues applicable to the study of corporate strategy formulation and implementation.

MGMT 597 – Special Topics (1)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

BA 571 – Strat Mgmt (2)
Analysis and application of concepts and techniques aimed at successfully developing and implementing competitive strategy in a complex business environment. B A 571 B A 571 Strategic Management for Converging Economies (3)This course introduces students to the field of strategic management and the skills and tools used by general managers to make strategic decisions. Students learn to use frameworks and perspectives for analyzing industries, competitors, and companies with an overall objective of positioning the firm to attain and sustain competitive advantage. Students learn how to identify the industry and firm-level determinants of profitability and then relate those factors to the development of competitive strategy within the context of responsible business practice. Students also learn how to evaluate strategies to understand how and why companies are successful or not. Finally, students will learn how senior managers use integrative approaches for solving strategic problems.

BA 528 – Bus Sim (2)
A team-based course during which students will manage a simulated firm. B A 528 Business Simulation (1-3)Using the business simulation, teams of 4-5 students will compete against other teams in a particular industry. The team members will have to make all the decisions about how to run the firm, including overall strategy, product design, detailed marketing plans, factory operations, and financing.

MGMT 590 – Colloquium (1.5)
Continuing seminars which consist of a series of individual lectures by faculty, students, or outside speakers.

B A 528 – Business Simulation (2)
A team-based course during which students will manage a simulated firm.

B A 571 – Strategic Management (3)
Analysis and application of concepts and techniques aimed at successfully developing and implementing competitive strategy in a complex business environment.

MGMT 596 – Individual Studies (7.5)
Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

MGMT 591 – Organizational Research Design (3)
Experience in designing research for organizational science, to maximize the validity of eventual conclusions; methodological choices, constraints, and compromises (tradoffs).

MGMT 471 – Strategic Management (3)
Issues that influence the competitive performance of the firm are identified and examined.

Selected Publications

Bragaw N., Misangyi V. F., "Disentangling Strategic Consensus: Strategic Consensus Types, Psychological Bonds, and Their Effects on Strategic Climate." Academy of Management Review, 2022
Dwivedi P., Misangyi V. F., Joshi A., "Burnt by the Spotlight: How Leadership Endorsements Impact the Longevity of Female Leaders." Journal of Applied Psychology, 2021
Furnari S., Crilly D., Misangyi V. F., Greckhamer T., Fiss P., Aguilera R., "Capturing Causal Complexity: Heuristics for Configurational Theorizing." Academy of Management Review, 2020
Quigley T., Hambrick D. C., Misangyi V. F., Rizzi G., "CEO Selection as Risk‐Taking: A New Vantage on the Debate about the Consequences of Insiders versus Outsiders." Strategic Management Journal, vol. 40, no. 9, 2019, pp. 1453-1470
Gupta A., Misangyi V. F., "Follow the Leader (or Not): The Influence of Peer CEO's Characteristics on Inter-Organizational Imitation." Strategic Management Journal, vol. 39, no. 5, 2018, pp. 1437-1472
Dwivedi P., Joshi A., Misangyi V. F., "Gender-Inclusive Gatekeeping: How (Mostly Male) Predecessors Influencde the Success of Female CEOs." Academy of Management Journal, vol. 61, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-26
Bragaw N., Misangyi V. F., "The Value of CEO Mobility: Contextual Factors That Shape the Impace of Prior CEO Experience on Market Performance and CEO Compensation." Human Resource Management, vol. 56, no. 2, 2017, pp. 243-266
Misangyi V. F., Greckhamer T., Furnari S., Fiss P., Crilly D., Aguilera R., "Embracing Causal Complexity: The Emergence of a Neo-Configurational Perspective." Journal of Management, vol. 43, no. 1, 2017, pp. 255-282
Misangyi V. F., "Institutional Complexity and the Meaning of Loose Coupling: Connecting Intitutional Sayings and (Not) Doings." Strategic Organization, vol. 14, no. 4, 2016, pp. 407-440
Hambrick D. C., Misangyi V. F., Park C., "The Quad Model for Identifying a Corporate Director’s Potential for Effective Monitoring: Toward a New Theory of Board Sufficiency." Academy of Management Review, vol. 40, no. 3, 2015, pp. 323-344
Paruchuri S., Misangyi V. F., "Investor perceptions of financial misconduct: The heterogeneous contamination of bystander firms." Academy of Management Journal, vol. 58, no. 1, 2015, pp. 169-194
Misangyi V. F., Achurya A., "Substitutes or Complements? A configurational approach to examining the bundle of governance mechanisms." Academy of Management Journal, vol. 57, no. 6, 2014, pp. 1681-1705
Misangyi V. F., "Donald Palmer's Normal Organizational Wrongdoing: A Critical Analysis of Theories of Misconduct in and by Organizations, by Donald Palmer." Organization Studies, vol. 34, no. 10, 2014, pp. 1537-1541
Devers C. E., Misangyi V. F., Gamache D. L., "Editors’ Comments: On the Future of Publishing Management Theory." Academy of Management Review, vol. 29, no. 3, 2014, pp. 245-249
Greckhamer T., Misangyi V. F., Fiss P., "The Two QCAs: From a Small-N to a Large-N Set-Theoretic Approach." Research in the Sociology of Organizations series, 2013
Fong E., Misangyi V. F., Tosi H. L., "The Effect of CEO Pay Deviations on CEO Withdrawal, Firm Size, and Firm Profit." Strategic Management Journal, vol. 31, 2010, pp. 629-651
Fanelli A., Misangyi V. F., Tosi H., "In Charisma We Trust: The Effects of CEO Charismatic Visions on Securities Analysts." Organization Science, vol. 20, 2009, pp. 1011-1033
Kor Y., Misangyi V. F., "Outside Directors' Industry-Specific Experience and Firms' Liability of Newness." Strategic Management Journal, vol. 29, no. 12, 2008, pp. 1345-1355
Greckhamer T., Misangyi V. F., Elms H., Lacey R., "Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis in Strategic Management Research: An Examination of Combinations of Industry, Corporate, And Business-Unit Effects." Organizational Research Methods, vol. 11, 2008, pp. 695-726
Misangyi V. F., Weaver G., Elms H., "Ending Corruption: The Interplay among Institutional Logics, Resources, and Institutional Entrepreneurs." Academy of Management Review, vol. 33, 2008, pp. 750-770
Erez A., Misangyi V. F., Johnson D. E., LePine A., Halverson K. C., "Stirring the hearts of followers: Charismatic leadership as the transferal of affect." Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 93, 2008, pp. 602-616
Weaver G., Misangyi V. F., "Corporations as citizens against corruption: An institutional entrepreneurship perspective." (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd), 2008, pp. 185-207
Misangyi V. F., Elms H., Greckhamer T., LePine J., "A New Perspective on a Fundamental Debate: A Multi-Level Approach to Industry, Corporate, and Business-Unit Effects." Strategic Management Journal, vol. 27, 2006, pp. 571-590
Fanelli A., Misangyi V. F., "Bringing Out Charisma: CEO Charisma and External Stakeholders." Academy of Management Review, vol. 31, 2006, pp. 1049-1061
Misangyi V. F., LePine J., Algina J., Goeddeke F., "The Adequacy of Repeated Measures Regression for Multilevel Research: Comparisons with Repeated Measures ANOVA, Multivariate Repeated Measures ANOVA, and Multilevel Modeling Across Varoius Mu." Orgaizational Research Methods, vol. 9, 2006, pp. 5-28
Tosi H., Misangyi V. F., Fanelli A., Waldman D., Yammarino F., "CEO Charisma, Compensation, and Firm Performance." Leadership Quarterly, no. 15, 2004, pp. 405-420

Research Impact and Media Mentions

"What Female CEOs Need to Succeed", Inc., Journal or Magazine
"How to Keep Wimps and Cronies Off Company Boards", Business Week, Journal or Magazine
"Corporate Board Training Becoming Necessary", Central Pennsylvania Business Journal, Journal or Magazine
"Investing: How to spot weasel words that can sink your portfolio", Canadian Business Magazine, Journal or Magazine
"CEO charisma biases financial analysts, can hurt investors, says study in INFORMS journal", Science Blog, Internet
"CEO pay tied to dividends", South Florida Business Journal, Journal or Magazine
"Daily Bias: CEO Charisma Biases Financial Analysts & Can Hurt Investors", Simoleon Sense: Daily Bias, Internet
"CEO language misleads analysts’ ratings, study confirms", Venture Beat, Internet
"CEO charisma biases financial analysts, can hurt investors, study says", Phys Org, Internet
"CEO spin affects analysts' calls", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Newspaper
"It's a Vision Thing", Business Week, Journal or Magazine
"Study: Charismatic CEO language affects analysts", Atlanta Journal Constitution, Newspaper


Academy of Management Review, Editorial Board, August 2014 - Present
Strategic Management Journal, Editorial Board, January 2013 - Present
Academy of Management Review, Associate Editor, December 2012 - July 2014
Academy of Management Journal, Editorial Board, January 2011 - January 2016

Honors and Awards